Bug introduced in 9.0 and fixed in 9.0.1
I have a problem with the Check Spelling in Mathematica, that I quite don't understand:
If I try to use the Check Spelling on any notebook, the check just stop before the first word and in the field "Reason for stopping:" is written: "The spelling dictionary file Mathematica.rws could not be loaded. The file may be corrupted."
I found nothing about this on the Internet, but after a research on my computer I found that this file is at "/usr/local/Wolfram/Mathematica/9.0/SystemFiles/SpellingDictionaries/English/Mathematica.rws" (I'm on Linux)
There is also another directory called SpellingDictionaries at ~/.Mathematica/SystemFiles/SpellingDictionaries, but it is empty.
I tried by copying the content of the first directory in the second, but it doesn't work.
I also tried to use another file Mathematica.rws that I found in /WINDOWS/Program Files/Wolfram Research/Mathematica/8.0/SystemFiles/SpellingDictionaries on another computer (under Windows) that had Mathematica V8 (with which the check spelling worked). I doesn't work either.
Can anyone help me ? I would really like to be able to use Mathematica to write my report.