
I want to solve the equation $$x^y + y = y^x + x$$ with $x$, $y$ are integer numbers. I tried

Solve[x^y + y == y^x + x, {x, y}, Integers]

How to solve the above equation?


1 Answer 1


First, one should mathematically analyze the problem. Obviously there are infinitely many solutions of the form {1, y} and {x, 1}, as well as {x,y} where x == y. So we can exclude such solutions from our search. Another point is remembering SystemOptions["ReduceOptions"]. There were questions dealing with them, so I'm not going to discuss these issues here; look at e.g. Solving/Reducing equations in $\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}$.

Proceeding with similar problems, we should somehow restrict the search space. Of course, one can try e.g. x < 1000 and y < 1000, but then you would have to play with e.g. ExhaustiveSearchMaxPoints; on the other hand, if you try e.g. x < 100 and y < 100, then both Reduce and Solve work quite well:

Reduce[ x^y + y == x + y^x && 1 < x < 100 && 1 < y < 100 && x != y, {x, y}, Integers]
 (x == 2 && y == 3) || (x == 3 && y == 2)
Solve[ x^y + y == x + y^x && 1 < x < 100 && 1 < y < 100 && x != y, {x, y}, Integers]
 {{x -> 2, y -> 3}, {x -> 3, y -> 2}}

Now, one can be pretty sure that there are no other solutions besides x == y, as well as {1, y} and {x, 1} for larger numbers. The argument comes from the behavior of the exponential functions.


To make it more clear what kind of argumentation might be sufficient to prove an adequate theorem, I suggest to proceed further starting with a simple observation.

There is a symmetry between x and y, so we can assume that e.g. x is greater than y and make a substitution with k being a positive integer:

-x^y - y + y^x + x /. x -> k + y // Simplify
 k + y^(k + y) - (k + y)^y

Since we'd like to demonstrate that there are no different solutions besides those given above, let's plot the few first functions of the following family numbered with an integer parameter k:

f[ y_, k_Integer] := k + y^(k + y) - (k + y)^y

We know (see above) that these functions have roots at $y=1$; moreover, there is another root for $y > 1$, but we can simply prove that there is only one function for $k=1$ having another root at an integer point (namely $y=2$). All other functions have another root for $1 < y <2$:

Plot[ Tooltip @ Table[ f[y, k], {k, 5}], {y, 1, 2.3}, Evaluated -> True,
      PlotStyle -> Thick, PlotLegends -> "Expressions", PlotRange -> {-1, 2}]

plots of f[y, k]

The formal proof is a simple exercise.


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