Show, this two solutions are all possible solutions with variable transformation.
feq = Subtract @@ ((x + y) (5 x + y)^3 + x y^3 == (5 x + y)^3 +
x^2 y^3 + x y^4) // Expand
Solve[0 == feq && x > 0 && y > 0, {y}, Integers] // ToRadicals //
FullSimplify[#, x > 0] &
(* {{y -> ConditionalExpression[(
5 x)/(-1 + x^(1/3)), (x | y) \[Element] Integers && x >= 2]}} *)
sol = First@Solve[x^(1/3) == xx, x]
y == (5 x)/(-1 + x^(1/3)) /. sol // Simplify[#, xx > 1] &
(* 5 xx^3 + y == xx y *)
Solve[5 xx^3 + y == xx y && xx > 1 && y > 0, xx, Integers] /.
xx -> x^(1/3)
(* {{x^(1/3) -> ConditionalExpression[2, y == 40]},
{x^(1/3) -> ConditionalExpression[6, y == 216]}} *)
As the fine comment of @DanielLichtblau (thanks a lot !) shows, from y == (5 x)/(-1 + x^(1/3))
x^(1/3) , which is my xx, has to be an integer. This is used in the last Solve command.