I was just trying to find out the available domain for a function using the following :
FunctionDomain[-((I*a*(-1 + E^(2*I*a*Pi)))/(-1 + a^2)), a, Complexes]
& this unexpectedly returned : -1 + a^2 != 0
whereas I had previously checked :
Limit[-((I*a*(-1 + E^(2*I*a*Pi)))/(-1 + a^2)), a -> 1]
which returned as expected a Pi
Can someone please explain why FunctionDomain
failed? How can one trust it's output when it didn't calculate the limits here? I suspect that I am doing something incorrectly.
Furthermore, I also didn't understand the output of the following :
FunctionDomain[-((I*a*(-1 + E^(2*I*a*Pi)))/(-1 + a^2)), a, Reals] (* False *)
Also, how would someone extract the information about the domain for non-zero range (those values of a
where my expression is not zero) in this case?