The output of the command
Limit[D[(Exp[x]-1-x)/x^2,{x, n}],x ->0,Direction-> "FromAbove",Assumptions -> n > 2 &&
n \[Element] Integers]
((DirectedInfinity[(-1)^n] + DirectedInfinity[(-1)^(1 + n)]) n!)/Gamma[2 + n]
is meaningless in view of
((DirectedInfinity[(-1)^n] + DirectedInfinity[(-1)^(1 + n)]) n!)/ Gamma[2 + n] /. n -> 3
Limit[((DirectedInfinity[(-1)^n] +
DirectedInfinity[(-1)^(1 + n)]) n!)/Gamma[2 + n], n -> 3]
which returns the input.
It is clearly understood that the result of
FullSimplify[FindSequenceFunction[Table[Limit[D[(Exp[x] - 1 - x)/x^2, {x, n}], x -> 0,
Direction -> "FromAbove"], {n, 3, 6}], n] /. n -> n - 2]
1/(2 + 3 n + n^2)
is only a guess, not a workaround. We still have no certainty about the values of the limit under consideration for
astronomic values of n
(BTW, FindSequenceFunction[{-3, 5, -7, 9, -11}, n]
returns the input.).
Is there a relaible workaround for this limit?