I want to return a list of all lists with elements in a single first list styled if it meets a condition so that it stands out from other lists. My attempt at this only returns all data with no row styled. Here is what i have...
eqs = {eqn = S'[t] + .1 S[t] == 0, ic = S[0] == 30000};
sol = DSolve[eqs, S[t], t][[1, 1, 2]];
raw = Table[{t, sol}, {t, 0, 15}];
yr = Select[raw, #[[2]] < 8000 &, 1][[1, 1]];
data = MapAt[PaddedForm[#, {5, 2}] &, raw, {All, 2}];
Map[Style[#, Bold, Green] &, data[[yr + 1]]] (* proof of concept *)
data = Replace[data,
data[[yr + 1]] -> Map[Style[#, Bold, Green] &, data[[yr + 1]]]]
Map[Style[#, Bold, Green] &, data[[yr + 1]]]
? $\endgroup$data = Replace[...]
it returns the data with no row highlighted. $\endgroup$data = Replace[...->Map[...]]
it returns the original data with no row highlighted. $\endgroup$