I want to return a list of all lists with elements in a single first list styled if it meets a condition so that it stands out from other lists. My attempt at this only returns the styled listall data with enclosing curly brackets also highlighted. Curly brackets should not be highlightedno row styled. Here is what i have...
eqs = {eqn = S'[t] + .1 S[t] == 0, ic = S[0] == 30000};
sol = DSolve[eqs, S[t], t][[1, 1, 2]];
raw = Table[{t, sol}, {t, 0, 15}];
yr = Select[raw, #[[2]] < 8000 &, 1][[1, 1]]1]];
data = MapAt[PaddedForm[#, {5, 2}] &, raw, {All, 2}]];
Style[data[[yrMap[Style[#, +Bold, 1Green] &, 1data[[yr ;;+ 2]],1]]] Bold,(* Green]proof of concept *)
data = Replace[data,
data[[yr + 1]] -> Style[#Map[Style[#, Bold, Green] &]&, data[[yr + 1]]]]