You made (at least) two mistakes in your ParametricPlot3D
call. First let me give you a solution. When you have Mathematica version 9, the probably easiest method is to use NDSolveValue
which spares you the extraction of the solution from rules:
sol = NDSolveValue[{x''[
t] == -1^2*((1 + 1) x[t])/Abs[(x[t]^2 + y[t]^2 + z[t]^2)]^(3/2),
y''[t] == -1^2*((1 + 1) y[t])/
Abs[(x[t]^2 + y[t]^2 + z[t]^2)]^(3/2),
z''[t] == -1^2*((1 + 1) z[t])/
Abs[(x[t]^2 + y[t]^2 + z[t]^2)]^(3/2), x'[0] == 0, y'[0] == 0,
z'[0] == 0, x[0] == 1, y[0] == 10, z[0] == 1}, {x, y, z}, {t, 0,
ParametricPlot3D[Through[sol[t]], {t, 0, 1.2}]
Please look at sol
to see that you get a list of pure functions. Through
is very handy here, because it transforms an expression {x,y,z}[t]
into {x[t],y[t],z[t]}
When you want to stick with your NDSolve
call, than you have to use your solution ss
in the following way
ParametricPlot3D[Evaluate[{x[t], y[t], z[t]} /. ss], {t, 0, 1.2}]
Let me explain your two mistakes. First, although the above works, please check the output of NDSolve
to see, that you get a list of a list as result. You should get rid of one level by using First
as suggested by Michael in his comment.
The second issue is quite interesting and maybe not as easy to understand. Your call looked like
ParametricPlot3D[{Evaluate[x[t] /. ss],...},..]
You used Evaluate
with good intention, but it has no effect if it is not the Head
of the argument. The head of your argument here is List
. Let's make a very small example function
Attributes[f] = {HoldAll};
f[x_] := ToString[Unevaluated[x]]
does not evaluate its argument and it prints it in unevaluated form. Therefore, f[1+1]
results in "1+1"
, although usual functions would first evaluated the argument to 2. This is exactly the same behavior that ParametricPlot3D
has. Now you want to evaluate the 1+1
before printing it and you try
f[Evaluate[1 + 1]]
(* "2" *)
and get 2 as expected. The very important thing is, that this only works as long Evaluate
appears as head of the argument. You can check this by trying
f[{1 + 1, Evaluate[1 + 1]}]
(* {1 + 1, Evaluate[1 + 1]} *)
or by reading more about the main evaluation loop of Mathematica.
Conclusion is: You were absolutely right to use Evaluate
to evaluated the argument because ParametricPlot3D
holds its arguments but Evaluate
needs to appear as head of the argument.
ss = First@NDSolve[..]
orx[t] /. First[ss]
etc. OrEvaluate[{x[t], y[t], z[t]} /. ss]
. $\endgroup$