We can expand the PolyLog
function as a Taylor series and integrate each term, at least for Re[z] > 0
. The result can be written in form
$$\sum_{n=0}^\infty a_n H(b_n+\frac{z}{2}) \,,$$
where $H$ is the HarmonicNumber
function. Closed form expressions for $a_n$ and $b_n$ can be found.
We might start by plotting the integral for real, positive values of $z$.
f[z_] := NIntegrate[x^(z - 1) PolyLog[2, x]/(1 + x), {x, 0, 1}]
Plot[f[z], {z, 0, 2},
GridLines -> Automatic, ImageSize -> Small, Frame -> True];
Now we can expand the PolyLog function at $x_0 = 0$, evaluate the integral termwise and combine the results to a function $g(z)$ like this
With[{nmax = 20, x0 = 0},
s = Series[PolyLog[2, x], {x, x0, nmax}];
t = Table[
Integrate[x^(z - 1) SeriesCoefficient[s, n] (x - x0)^n/(1 + x),
{x, 0, 1}, Assumptions -> Re[z] > 0], {n, 0, nmax}];
g = Simplify[Total@t]
Just to show we're on the right track we could plot the $g(z)$ and $f(z)$, but I won't show the plot here.
Plot[{f[z], g}, {z, 0, 2},
GridLines -> Automatic, ImageSize -> Small, Frame -> True]
The expression for $g(z)$ is a little messy. It is a series of terms like 7/288 HarmonicNumber[1 + z/2]
. We can extract the $a_n$'s and the $b_n$'s like this
p = Cases[g, Times[a_, HarmonicNumber[b_]] :> {b, a}];
{bn, an} = Transpose[Sort[p /. z -> 0]];
Then find closed form expressions for $a_n$ and $b_n$ like this
Clear[a, b, n]
a[0] = an[[1]];
a[n_] = FindSequenceFunction[Most@Rest@an, n]
b[n_] = FindSequenceFunction[Most@Rest@bn, n]
(* (1 + 2 n)/(2 n^2 (1 + n)^2) *)
(* 1/2 (-1 + n) *)
We don't use the first and last terms of the sequence because they don't quite fit the pattern.
Now we are ready to write our final expression for the original integral as
h[z_, nmax_] := Sum[a[n] HarmonicNumber[b[n] + z/2], {n, 0, nmax}]
Of course, we would need an infinite number of terms for $h(z)$ to represent the integral exactly. Numerically, we can get good agreement with a finite number of terms. For example,
Plot[{f[z], h[z, 15]}, {z, 0, 2},
GridLines -> Automatic, ImageSize -> Medium, Frame -> True]
We can increase the agreement by adding more terms, which is necessary for larger values of $z$. For instance, to get decent agreement at $z = 200$, we might use $n_{max} = 150$ or greater.
! $\endgroup$