Consider some data
data = {{x1,y1},{x2,y2},...}
I organize a density distribution using
datadistr = SmoothKernelDistribution[data]
PDF[datadistr, {x, y}]
I know that the real distribution must vanish at $x\leqslant x_{\text{min}}$ and, independently, $y \leqslant y_{\text{min}}, y \geqslant y_{\text{max}}$. Quantitative statement is that there are no points with $x \leqslant x_{\text{min}}, y \leqslant y_{\text{min}}, y \geqslant y_{\text{max}}$ in the data
However, PDF tells me that the distribution is non-zero in this domain. I do not know how to let the PDF know that the distribution must be zero in $x_{\text{min}}$ and $y_{\text{min}}, y_{\text{max}}$, i.e. to force it smoothly falls to zero close to these thresholds. Is there any way to impose this restriction?
is not the appropriate tool for what you try to do. $\endgroup$