I would like to derive the PDF for an ''annulus'' type distribution, defined by the parameters $\theta\sim U(0,2 \pi)$ and $d\sim N(0,\sigma)$; where $\theta$ is the angle round a circle of radius $r$, and $d$ is the deviation normal to the circle's perimeter.
I can generate sample points easy enough, by the following:
fTorusProjector[xCentre_, yCentre_, θ_,
d_] := {xCentre + d Sin[θ], yCentre + d Cos[θ]}
fTorusRand[r_, σ_] :=
Module[{θ = RandomReal[{0, 2 Pi}],
d = RandomVariate[NormalDistribution[0, σ], {1}][[1]]},
fTorusProjector[r Sin[θ], r Cos[θ], θ, d]]
ListPlot[Table[fTorusRand[5, 0.5], {i, 1, 10000}]]
Which results in a plot similar to the one below:
My question is, is there a way to derive an analytic form for the PDF of this distribution? I can't help thinking that there's probably a way I'm missing, but am not sure how to proceed here.
Even an approximate PDF / one that mimics the above behaviour would suffice.
Edit: I have tried using the following to get Mathematica to approximate a PDF of the above sample:
empD = EmpiricalDistribution[data];
However, when I try to draw this using:
ContourPlot[PDF[empD, {x, y}], {x, -7, 7}, {y, -7, 7}]
I just get a blank plot.
Edit 2: Since $\theta$ and $d$ are independent, I can derive the joint PDF in these coordinates:
$p(\theta,d) = \frac{1}{2\pi} \times \frac{1}{2\pi} \exp(-d^2/2\sigma^2)$
I suppose I can then use Jacobians to transform back into the $(x,y)$ frame, although am not sure how to do this?