
I've tried various ways to specify a notebook's Saveable option, all unsuccessful.

For example, using an external editor, I edited test.nb's source code to change the expression



  {value = Environment["SAVEABLE"]},
  If[value === $Failed, False, ToExpression[value]]

...and then ran the following from the command line:

SAVEABLE=True mathematica &

The notebook did come up, but so did the Messages window, with the following error:

The specified setting for the option Saveable cannot be used.

(Putting an Evaluate around the Module expression made no difference.)

Is there some other way to do this?


1 Answer 1


Try putting this in an initialization cell in your notebook.

Module[{val, update},
  update = If[BooleanQ[val = ToExpression[Environment["SAVEABLE"]]], val, False];
  CurrentValue[EvaluationNotebook[], Saveable] = update]

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