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Exported function discovery with LibraryFunction

Many internal calls boil down to invocations like LibraryFunction["path/to/library", "funcName" , ...] I'm on a mac, so I can use the ...
Adam's user avatar
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How to specify notebook's Saveable option from command line?

I've tried various ways to specify a notebook's Saveable option, all unsuccessful. For example, using an external editor, I edited ...
kjo's user avatar
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6 votes
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How to recover WolframScript's former `-run` functionality?

With the 10.4 version of WolframScript, I could run something like ...
kjo's user avatar
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How to specify $Path items on the command line?

On Unix, I can run Python scripts from the command line like this1: PYTHONPATH=lib/python path/to/ The setting of ...
kjo's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to read *all* input from stdin?

The answers given to this similar question won't do, because those solutions read only one line from stdin. I want to read all available lines, pretty much in the ...
kjo's user avatar
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Hide Or Add To Magnification Menu

Is there a way to hide or add to the Magnification menu at the bottom of each notebook. I understand if it can't be removed but then I would like to add to the menu because it takes up a lot of space....
William's user avatar
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3 votes
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Polling Unix Commands Top

How might I display an up to date display of top inside of Mathematica? top is unique in that it updates itself every couple of ...
William's user avatar
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Running an external simulation program from Mathematica

I have a physics simulation program which I run through a terminal window (I use a Mac) as shown below: user$ programName inputfile.ele I would like run a ...
user1886681's user avatar
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How to get a script to print MaxMemoryUsed[] upon getting a system signal?

I want to instrument a Mathematica script so that, upon receiving any system signal (e.g. SIGINT, aka Ctrl-C) it will print1 the ...
kjo's user avatar
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7 votes
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WolframScript Unix - Script Parameters on Raspberry Pi

I'm currently trying to run a script with 2 parameters which gets called via a BASH script. The script runs fine however the list of passed parameters , ...
TheCheatsrichter's user avatar
5 votes
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Wolfram Script Not Completing when ran as cron job

I have a fairly simple Wolfram script called from within a shell script that I would like to run at certain times. The shell script calls a python script to get some recordings to from GPIO and saves ...
TheBlindSpring's user avatar
2 votes
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How to make lines not wrapping in text-mode Mathematica? [duplicate]

When running Mathematica from Unix command line, i.e. pure text mode, the lines wrap at about 70 pr 80 characters, creating lots of visual clutter. How do I set it so that any outputs will not wrap ...
user13253's user avatar
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Converting between AbsoluteTime and Unix time

By trial and error, I've found that the following gives the current Unix time: AbsoluteTime[] - UPOCH where UPOCH can be defined in any of the following ways: <...
dreeves's user avatar
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