
I'm attempting to insert the county names on a map of Florida:

 counties = 
  Join @@ EntityValue[{Entity[
      "AdministrativeDivision", {"Florida", "UnitedStates"}]}, 
    EntityProperty["AdministrativeDivision", "Subdivisions"]];

 countynames = EntityValue[counties, "CanonicalName"];

countyshortnames = Table[StringDrop[StringDrop[ToString[countynames[[i]]],-30], 1], {i, 1, Length[counties]}];

loc = EntityValue[counties, "Position"];

GeoGraphics[{EdgeForm[{Thick, Black}], GeoStyling["OutlineMap"],Polygon /@ counties, Table[GeoMarker[loc[[j]],Style[countyshortnames[[j]], TextAlignment -> Center, Black, FontSize -> 10, Bold]], {j, 1,Length@countyshortnames}]},GeoBackground -> None, ImageSize -> 1200]

Mathematica graphics

The problem is that the labels turn out very unruly and I would appreciate if anyone can give me some other approach to do this task. Thank you!

  • $\begingroup$ By the way you can just write countyshortnames=StringDrop[#, -6] & /@ countynames[[All, 1]] $\endgroup$
    – SquareOne
    Commented May 26, 2017 at 1:09

1 Answer 1



The use of Geomarker to insert (text) labels is probably not correct as the documentation indicates that the marker type should be a Graphics or Image.

According to @C.E. comment in a related post, instead of using Geomarker to insert labels, it is possible to use directly the Textprimitive. In your case :


enter image description here


The problem seems to be the default "Scale" of the GeoMarker primitive. Setting for example the option "Scale"->1 for all your geomarkers seems to work. That means :

GeoGraphics[{EdgeForm[{Thick, Black}], GeoStyling["OutlineMap"],Polygon /@ counties, 
Table[GeoMarker[loc[[j]],Style[countyshortnames[[j]], TextAlignment -> Center, Black, FontSize -> 10, Bold], 
"Scale"->1], {j, 1,Length@countyshortnames}]},GeoBackground -> None, ImageSize -> 1200]
  • $\begingroup$ Thank you for your help! Have a great Memorial Day weekend! $\endgroup$ Commented May 26, 2017 at 20:09
  • $\begingroup$ If I wanted to do this for North Carolina, how to get MMA to drop the word "County"? $\endgroup$
    – gotwals
    Commented Jun 19, 2018 at 12:03
  • $\begingroup$ @gotwals Just replace countyshortnames[[j]] with StringDrop[countyshortnames, -6][[j]] $\endgroup$
    – SquareOne
    Commented Jun 19, 2018 at 13:02

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