
I am trying to make a graph of earthquakes (position and depth) shown on map of the country. The map is drawn with Graphics3D option with the code:

  Map[Append[Reverse[#], 0] &, 
   EntityValue[Entity["Country", "Macedonia"], "Polygon"] /. 
    GeoPosition -> Identity, {-2}], Blue, Opacity[2]}, Axes -> True]

and using a txt file with the coordinates for position and depth of the events an ListPointPlot3D was made.

the image of the separate graphs are shown

I have problem to overlay the graphs to get a picture similar to this one.

this is example with data exported with function EarthquakeData

Can I get help with this? Thanks in advance.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I think that Show[a, b] should work. $\endgroup$
    – Domen
    Commented Aug 19, 2021 at 20:20
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ wolfram.com/mathematica/new-in-10/geo-related-properties/… $\endgroup$
    – Syed
    Commented Aug 20, 2021 at 6:00
  • $\begingroup$ I have tried many options and the code given in the link, but the problem is that I am not using the EarthquakeData function for the coordinates and depths of the events. I have my own file of events and I can't load it at the Graphic3D part of the code. The problem is that I am not sure how the .txt file that is used as source should be formatted to be accepted by the code given in the link $\endgroup$ Commented Aug 20, 2021 at 13:19

1 Answer 1


Compare the data from EarthquakeData to your events list. The difference is that EarthquakeData uses GeoPosition for latitude and longitude, but your events are a simple list of latitude, longitude and depth. It's easy to convert the list to use GeoPosition. Then you can use the Visualize Depth and Position of Earthquakes demonstration code with your list of events.

I need some sample data. Convert data to use GeoPosition, then simply change data to dataGeoPosition in the demonstration code.

data = {{41.87, 22.09, 18.}, {41.96, 21.55, 5.}, {41.129, 20.987, 10.},
 {41.13, 20.83, 4.}, {41.2, 20.72, 15.}, {41.302, 20.864, 10.}, 
 {41.183, 21.196, 14.}, {41.158, 22.567, 10.}, {41.279, 20.884, 39.},
 {42.052, 21.257, 13.}};

dataGeoPosition = {GeoPosition@#[[;; 2]], Last[#]} & /@ data;

  Map[Append[Reverse[#], 0] &,
    EntityValue[Entity["Country", "Macedonia"], "Polygon"] /.
    GeoPosition -> Identity, {-2}],
  Blue, Opacity[1],
  Line[Apply[{Append[Reverse[First[#]], 0],
      Append[Reverse[First[#]], -#2]} &,
    dataGeoPosition, {1}]]},
  Axes -> True, BoxRatios -> {1, 1, 1/2}]

earthquake visualization

We can use your events list without GeoPosition if we modify the demonstration code, and we get the same result.

    Map[Append[Reverse[#], 0] &,
          Entity["Country", "Macedonia"],
           "Polygon"] /. GeoPosition -> Identity, {-2}],
    Blue, Opacity[1],
    Line[{Append[Reverse[#[[;; 2]]], 0],
      Append[Reverse[#[[;; 2]]], -Last[#]]} & /@ data]},
  Axes -> True, BoxRatios -> {1, 1, 1/2}]

Here's how you can use your original method that combines Graphics3D and ListPointPlot3D. Notice that all of these methods reverse latitude and longitude to preserve the correct orientation for Graphics3D.

a = Graphics3D[{Opacity[0.6],
      Map[Append[Reverse[#], 0] &,
            Entity["Country", "Macedonia"], "Polygon"] /.
      GeoPosition -> Identity, {-2}]}, Axes -> True];
b = ListPointPlot3D[
  Append[Reverse[#[[;; 2]]], Last[#]] & /@ data,
  PlotRange -> All, Filling -> Bottom, FillingStyle -> Thin];
Show[a, b, BoxRatios -> {1, 1, 1/2}]

earthquake visualization with ListPointPlot3D


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