
I want to see what will happen for different values of the parameters $k_1$ and $k_2$, but all I see is an empty plot.

Can someone help me?

  x -> Function[{t}, 1 - (-1 + k2*E^(k1*t + k1 )) /(-1 + k1*E^(k1*t + k1 ) + k2*E^(k1*t + k1 ))]
  , u -> Function[{t}, (-1 + k2*E^(k1*t + k1) ) /(-1 + E^(k1* t + k1 ) *k1 + E^(k1 t C[1] + k1 C[1] C[2]) *k2)]
 , {t, 0, 100}
 , {k1, 0, 10}
 , {k2, 0, 10}

1 Answer 1


A rule ( -> ) does not work like a function definition here. If you instead define x and u as functions of t, k1 and k2 the plot works as you would like. It is also useful to set the PlotRange so it does not automatically rescale with the function.

x[t_, k1_, k2_] := 
  1 - (-1 + k2*E^(k1*t + k1))/(-1 + k1*E^(k1*t + k1) + 
      k2*E^(k1*t + k1));
u[t_, k1_, k2_] := (-1 + k2*E^(k1*t + k1))/(-1 + E^(k1*t + k1)*k1 + 
    E^(k1 t C[1] + k1 C[1] C[2])*k2)

    {x[t, k1, k2], u[t, k1, k2]}, 
    {t, 0, 100}, 
    PlotRange -> {-2, 2}
  {k1, 0, 10}, 
  {k2, 0, 10}


  • $\begingroup$ @Iowriniak Thanks a lot! $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 21, 2016 at 15:46

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