
I'm trying to combine a PredictorMeasurements["ComparisonPlot"] plot with another plot, but the problem is that the plot generated by PredictorMeasurements has plot markers that are far too large. Any way to change them?

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ PredictorMeasurements[p, testset, "ComparisonPlot" ]/. PointSize[_]:>PointSize[Tiny]? $\endgroup$
    – kglr
    Commented Nov 2, 2016 at 22:45
  • $\begingroup$ Thanks so much! That worked perfectly. So to be clear, if I want to pass any plot option to the plot, I would use this sort of method? So say I want to make the points small and red, I would use PredictorMeasurements[p, testset, "ComparisonPlot" ]/. {PointSize[_]:>PointSize[Tiny],PlotStyle[_]:>PlotStyle[Red]} $\endgroup$
    – VGP
    Commented Nov 3, 2016 at 18:37

1 Answer 1


Using an example from the docs

points = {##, Cos[#1*#2] + RandomReal[{-.2, .2}]} & @@@ RandomReal[{-2, 2}, {1000, 2}];

trainingset = {#1, #2} -> #3 & @@@ points[[;; 800]];
testset = {#1, #2} -> #3 & @@@ points[[801 ;;]];
p = Predict[trainingset];
pm = PredictorMeasurements[p, testset];
cp = pm["ComparisonPlot"]

Mathematica graphics

Post-process cp to change the directives like PointSize and color:

cp /. {{dir___, p:Point[___]}:>{dir, PointSize[Tiny], Red, p}, 
      pl:PointLegend[__]:>(pl /. RGBColor[___]:>Red)}

Mathematica graphics


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