One way to do this is to use DominantColors
as follows.
im = Import[""];
res = DominantColors[im, Automatic, {"Count", "Color"}]
To be sure if the reddish color is indeed the eatable part of the apple check this.
eatable=DeleteSmallComponents@First@DominantColors[i, Automatic, "CoverageImage"]
Now the exact eatable part can be recovered as the first entry of the output.
DominantColors[eatable, Automatic, {"Count", "Color"}]
{152709, 109435}
Now what the OP wanted!
positions = ImageValuePositions[ColorNegate@EdgeDetect@eatable, 0];
apple = Graphics[
FilledCurve[Line[positions[[Last@FindShortestTour[positions]]]]]] //
DiscretizeGraphics[#, MaxCellMeasure -> 0.1] &
And we can get the area..
{Area[apple], NIntegrate[1, {x, y} \[Element] apple]}
But who eats a 2D apple..
But we can also make a 3D apple and calculate how much surface we need to munch.
pts = positions[[Last@FindShortestTour[positions]]];
par = BSplineFunction[ExponentialMovingAverage,TranslationTransform[-Mean@pts] /@ pts, .25],
SplineClosed -> True, SplineDegree -> 2];
ap = RevolutionPlot3D[{First@par[t], Last@par[t], t}, {t, 0, 1},RevolutionAxis -> {0, 1, 0},
PlotPoints -> 60, MaxRecursion -> 3,Mesh -> None, Boxed -> False, Axes->False];
appleColor = res[[1, 2]];
apple3D = DiscretizeGraphics[
Cases[Normal@ap, _GraphicsGroup, -1][[1]],
MeshCellStyle -> {{2, All} ->
Directive[res[[1, 2]], Specularity[White, 20],
Glow[Darker[appleColor, .5]], Lighting -> "Neutral"],
{1, All} -> Directive[Thin, Darker@res[[1, 2]]]}
And here goes the surface/munching area with some dimensional info..
{2, 3, 1450102}
Total[ImageData@Binarize@pic, 2]
? $\endgroup$ImageDimensions[]
, which gives a total area of $262144$, so I doubt that value which is about a third of total area, can be correct. $\endgroup$Length[Position[ImageData[c], 0]]
$\endgroup$Total[ImageData@Binarize@Import[""], 2]
. I should have stressed out that I haven't used OP's code at all but it could have been deduced from the fact that I used Binarize. $\endgroup$