apparently preprocesses your input data, for example (same example from Classify
reference page, but using NeuralNetwork
as the method):
Othello = Import[""];
Hamlet = Import[""];
Macbeth = Import[""];
TheImportanceOfBeingEarnest = Import[""];
ThePictureofDorianGray = Import[""];
AnIdealHusband = Import[""];
LesMiserables = Import[""];
NotreDamedeParis = Import[""];
TheManWhoLaughs = Import[""];
author = Classify[
<|"William Shakespeare" -> {Othello, Hamlet},
"Oscar Wilde" -> {TheImportanceOfBeingEarnest, ThePictureofDorianGray},
"Victor Hugo" -> {LesMiserables, NotreDamedeParis}|>,
Method -> {"NeuralNetwork"}];
Now, by executing Options[author]
, we get more information about the trained Neural Network:
{<|"Common"-><|"Pattern"->_String,"Preprocessors"-><|"Input"->"ToLowerCase" -> "WordTokenize" -> "TokensToTFIDFVector" -> "ReduceDimension","Output"->"IntegerEncodeList"|>,"Decision"-><|"Prior"-><|"Oscar Wilde"->0.3333333333333333`,"Victor Hugo"->0.3333333333333333`,"William Shakespeare"->0.3333333333333333`|>...
I'm wondering if there's any way we can see what the preprocessed data is (for example: see what the TFIDF vector or IntegerEncodeList look like).
help? $\endgroup$FullForm
a few times out of curiosity to see what was being stored ...but it is not my field so unsure how useful the information is to a "skilled practitioner" $\endgroup$