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Chris K
  • Member for 12 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
4 votes

Need Help with a coupled SIR model Differential equations

4 votes

Convergence plot of Lyapunov exponents

4 votes

Solving this system of differential equation with NDSolve

4 votes

(In)Stability of equilibrium points in a vector plot (continued)?

4 votes

Piecewise with differential equations

4 votes

Extracting data from Plot

4 votes

How to get the frequency response with the unstable branches for a nonlinear driven system?

4 votes

Plotting maxima within a simplex

4 votes

I wanna get a result of i/j . Like 1/3, 1/5, 1/7, 3/5, 3, 5/3... Something like that. But none of my code works

4 votes

How to correctly show the slope of a linear part on LogPlot

4 votes

<<Wavelets`Wavelets Not Found

4 votes

Solve system of ODEs for steady state symbolically

4 votes

Calculate the Lyapunov exponent for a driven damped spherical pendulum?

4 votes

Errors in Lyapunov exponent code

4 votes

How do I graph a vertical isocline?

4 votes

Unexpected behavior of `Exclusions` in `ParametricPlot`

4 votes

A problem with EcoEvo package

3 votes

Problem with internal variable of a `Module` which returns the solution of an `NDSolve` command. y$25947 → InterpilatingFunction[…]

3 votes

Solve age-structured SIR model (i.e. a PDE) in Mathematica

3 votes

Hybrid ODE simulation with very small parameters

3 votes

Solving a system of nonlinear equations with parameters

3 votes

Expected value of a lognormal distribution

3 votes

Why does this FindRoot code only trace one of two roots?

3 votes

WhenEvent&NDSolve: How to detect saddle point?

3 votes

Cannot solve coupled stochastic differential equations and how to find correlation of solutions?

3 votes

Problem finding separatrices for ODE system

3 votes

How to Generate a Phase Portrait for a Jacobian Evaluated at Fixed Points

3 votes

How do I simplify the equilibrium point to this simplified expression?

3 votes

Updating the initial guess by using the previous solution

3 votes

Plot f(x),f(y),alpha where f(x) and f(y) are the solutions of a two ODEs system depending on a parameter α

3 4
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