Thanks to the answer by @Chris K I think I have re-expressed the question properly.
I have the following equations of motion
eqnx = (1/4)*(-((α1*α2*μ*Sin[2*z[τ]]^2)/(α*β*(α*Cos[z[τ]]^2 + β*Sin[z[τ]]^2 - x[τ])^2)) -
(α1^2*Sin[z[τ]]^2*(3*α^3 + 2*α^2*β + 3*α*β^2 + 4*μ + 4*(α^3 - α*β^2 - μ)*Cos[2*z[τ]] + α^3*Cos[4*z[τ]] - 2*α^2*β*Cos[4*z[τ]] +
α*β^2*Cos[4*z[τ]] - 8*α*(α + β + (α - β)*Cos[2*z[τ]])*x[τ] + 8*α*x[τ]^2))/(2*α^2*(α*Cos[z[τ]]^2 + β*Sin[z[τ]]^2 - x[τ])^2) -
(α2^2*Cos[z[τ]]^2*(3*α^2*β + 2*α*β^2 + 3*β^3 + 4*μ + 4*(α^2*β - β^3 + μ)*Cos[2*z[τ]] + α^2*β*Cos[4*z[τ]] - 2*α*β^2*Cos[4*z[τ]] +
β^3*Cos[4*z[τ]] - 8*β*(α + β + (α - β)*Cos[2*z[τ]])*x[τ] + 8*β*x[τ]^2))/(2*β^2*(α*Cos[z[τ]]^2 + β*Sin[z[τ]]^2 - x[τ])^2) +
Derivative[1][x][τ]^2/(-μ + (α - x[τ])*(β - x[τ])*x[τ]) - ((α*Cos[z[τ]]^2 + β*Sin[z[τ]]^2 - x[τ])*(α*β - 2*(α + β)*x[τ] + 3*x[τ]^2)*
Derivative[1][x][τ]^2)/(μ - α*β*x[τ] + (α + β)*x[τ]^2 - x[τ]^3)^2 + (4*Derivative[1][z][τ]^2)/(α*Cos[z[τ]]^2 + β*Sin[z[τ]]^2) +
(2*Derivative[1][x][τ]*(Derivative[1][x][τ] + (α - β)*Sin[2*z[τ]]*Derivative[1][z][τ]))/(μ - α*β*x[τ] + (α + β)*x[τ]^2 - x[τ]^3) +
(2*(α*Cos[z[τ]]^2 + β*Sin[z[τ]]^2 - x[τ])*Derivative[2][x][τ])/(-μ + (α - x[τ])*(β - x[τ])*x[τ]));
eqnz = (1/4)*(-((α1*α2*(α - β)*μ*Sin[2*z[τ]]^3)/(α*β*(α*Cos[z[τ]]^2 + β*Sin[z[τ]]^2 - x[τ])^2)) + (8*α2^2*μ*Cos[z[τ]]^3*Sin[z[τ]]*(β - x[τ]))/
(β^2*(α*Cos[z[τ]]^2 + β*Sin[z[τ]]^2 - x[τ])^2) - (2*α1*α2*μ*Sin[4*z[τ]])/(α*β*(α*Cos[z[τ]]^2 + β*Sin[z[τ]]^2 - x[τ])) +
(8*α1^2*μ*Cos[z[τ]]*Sin[z[τ]]^3*(-α + x[τ]))/(α^2*(α*Cos[z[τ]]^2 + β*Sin[z[τ]]^2 - x[τ])^2) -
(1/β^2)*8*α2^2*Cos[z[τ]]*Sin[z[τ]]*(Cos[z[τ]]^2*(β - x[τ])^2 + (Sin[z[τ]]^2*(α*Cos[z[τ]]^2 + β*Sin[z[τ]]^2)*(β - x[τ])^2 +
Cos[z[τ]]^2*(-μ + (α - x[τ])*(β - x[τ])*x[τ]))/(α*Cos[z[τ]]^2 + β*Sin[z[τ]]^2 - x[τ])) +
(1/α^2)*8*α1^2*Cos[z[τ]]*Sin[z[τ]]*(Sin[z[τ]]^2*(α - x[τ])^2 + (Cos[z[τ]]^2*(α*Cos[z[τ]]^2 + β*Sin[z[τ]]^2)*(α - x[τ])^2 +
Sin[z[τ]]^2*(-μ + (α - x[τ])*(β - x[τ])*x[τ]))/(α*Cos[z[τ]]^2 + β*Sin[z[τ]]^2 - x[τ])) + ((α - β)*Sin[2*z[τ]]*Derivative[1][x][τ]^2)/
(-μ + α*β*x[τ] - (α + β)*x[τ]^2 + x[τ]^3) + (4*(α - β)*Sin[2*z[τ]]*Derivative[1][z][τ]^2)/(α*Cos[z[τ]]^2 + β*Sin[z[τ]]^2) +
(2*(α - β)*Sin[2*z[τ]]*(α + β + (α - β)*Cos[2*z[τ]] - 2*x[τ])*Derivative[1][z][τ]^2)/(α*Cos[z[τ]]^2 + β*Sin[z[τ]]^2)^2 -
(8*Derivative[1][z][τ]*(Derivative[1][x][τ] + (α - β)*Sin[2*z[τ]]*Derivative[1][z][τ]))/(α*Cos[z[τ]]^2 + β*Sin[z[τ]]^2) +
(8*(α*Cos[z[τ]]^2 + β*Sin[z[τ]]^2 - x[τ])*Derivative[2][z][τ])/(α*Cos[z[τ]]^2 + β*Sin[z[τ]]^2));
I can solve numerically the above by using
intl = 0;
lim = 10^4;
x0 = 2.;
rule = {α1 -> 1, α2 -> 2, μ -> 1, α -> 2.85383, β -> 3.18783};
sltn = First[NDSolve[{{(eqnx /. rule) == 0, (eqnz /. rule) == 0}, x[intl] == x0, Derivative[1][x][intl] == 0, z[intl] == 0.403, Derivative[1][z][intl] == 0.1}, z,
{τ, intl, lim}, Method -> {"BDF"}]];
z[τ] /. sltn
plot5 = Show[Plot[Sin[z[τ] /. sltn], {τ, intl, lim}, BaseStyle -> {17, FontFamily -> "Times New Roman"}, AxesLabel -> {"τ", "Sin(θ(τ))"}, AxesStyle -> Thick,
PlotRange -> {{0, lim}, {-1.05, 1.05}}, PlotStyle -> Red], ImageSize -> Large]
And from the plot it is clear that the system is chaotic
Then I tried to compute the Lyapunov exponent by using the code posted here. Of course, in order to do so, I re-express the equations in a first-order formalism. The code is
eqnxx = {Derivative[1][x][t] == y[t], Derivative[1][y][t] ==
(y[t] - 0.334*Sin[2*z[t]]*g[t])/(2.85*Cos[z[t]]^2 + 3.19*Sin[z[t]]^2 - x[t]) -
(2*(-1 + (2.85 - x[t])*(3.19 - x[t])*x[t])*g[t]^2)/((2.85*Cos[z[t]]^2 + 3.19*Sin[z[t]]^2)*
(2.85*Cos[z[t]]^2 + 3.19*Sin[z[t]]^2 - x[t])) - 0.5*(1/(2.85*Cos[z[t]]^2 + 3.19*Sin[z[t]]^2 - x[t]) -
(9.1 - 12.1*x[t] + 3*x[t]^2)/(-1 + (2.85 - x[t])*(3.19 - x[t])*x[t]))*y[t]^2 +
(0.25*(-1 + (2.85 - x[t])*(3.19 - x[t])*x[t])*(0.44*Sin[2*z[t]]^2 + 0.394*Cos[z[t]]^2*
(237 - 21.7*Cos[2*z[t]] + 0.356*Cos[4*z[t]] - 25.5*(6.04 - 0.334*Cos[2*z[t]] - x[t])*x[t]) +
0.123*Sin[z[t]]^2*(213 - 27*Cos[2*z[t]] + 0.318*Cos[4*z[t]] - 22.8*(6.04 - 0.334*Cos[2*z[t]] - x[t])*x[t])))/
(2.85*Cos[z[t]]^2 + 3.19*Sin[z[t]]^2 - x[t])^3, Derivative[1][z][t] == g[t],
Derivative[1][g][t] == (0.0418*Sin[2*z[t]]*(y[t]^2/(-1 + (2.85 - x[t])*(3.19 - x[t])*x[t]) -
(4*x[t]*g[t]^2)/(2.85*Cos[z[t]]^2 + 3.19*Sin[z[t]]^2)^2))/(1 - (2*x[t])/(6.04 - 0.334*Cos[2*z[t]])) +
(2*y[t]*g[t])/(6.04 - 0.334*Cos[2*z[t]] - 2*x[t]) - (1.5*Sin[2*z[t]])/(1 - (2*x[t])/(6.04 - 0.334*Cos[2*z[t]])) -
(0.211 - 0.22*(-1 + (4*(2.85 - x[t])*(3.19 - x[t]))/(6.04 - 0.334*Cos[2*z[t]] - 2*x[t])^2) +
(0.491*(2.85 - x[t])^2)/(6.04 - 0.334*Cos[2*z[t]] - 2*x[t])^2 +
4*(-0.432 + (0.394*(3.19 - x[t])^2)/(6.04 - 0.334*Cos[2*z[t]] - 2*x[t])^2 + 0.105*x[t]) - 0.117*x[t])};
and then
LyapunovExponents[eqnxx, {x -> 2, y -> 0, z -> 0.403, g -> 0.1},
ShowPlot -> True]
And as soon as I run the final command Mma produces a lot of errors.
After the instructive comment by ChrisK I tried to run the first-order equations using NDSolve. The following works
x0 = 2.3;
aa = First[
NDSolve[{eqnxx, x[intl] == x0, y[intl] == 0.1, z[intl] == 0,
g[intl] == 0}, z, {t, intl, lim},
Method -> {"StiffnessSwitching", "NonstiffTest" -> False,
Method -> {"ExplicitRungeKutta", Automatic}}, AccuracyGoal -> 5,
PrecisionGoal -> 5], MaxSteps -> Infinity]
However, the command
LyapunovExponents[eqnxx, {x -> 2.3, y -> 0.1, z -> 0, g -> 0},
ShowPlot -> True]
Again returns errors.
Any thoughts? I read that there was a recent modification to the code posted here but I have used the latest update. I guess the true question is how to pass the Methods for NDSolve in the original code where the commands are of the form NDSolve
in the first two code blocks). RunningNDSolve
on the bottom code (eqnxx
) gives me anPower::infy -- Infinite expression 1/0. encountered
error with the default solver and anNDSolve::ndsz -- step size is effectively zero; singularity or stiff system suspected
error withMethod -> {"BDF"}
. $\endgroup$NDSolve
withNDSolveOpts->{your options here}
. Unfortunately the options you found to work on the system alone don't work here (Power::infy
error). TheLyapunovExponents
code adds some linearized equations to your equations, so it's solving a larger system. You could experiment to find otherNDSolve
options that might work, but there's still the risk of division by zero lurking in your equations fory'[t]
. It feels kind of touchy to me. $\endgroup$