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12 votes

Tracking cells as they move under a microscope

You may use ImageFeatureTrack. frames as in OP, then ...
Edmund's user avatar
  • 43.2k
4 votes

Interactive angles

Does this approximate what you want? It is not the most efficient. Since you're always referencing to {1,0} with VectorAngle, why not just use ...
KennyColnago's user avatar
  • 15.3k
3 votes

TrackingFunction in Manipulate

pt2 is the point where your mouse tries to drag the traker (the small black cross & circle). ((pt2 = Normalize[#]) &) ...
ivbc's user avatar
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2 votes

Segmenting a binary image into three parts

The best answer I could manage is to use the following: First I got the vertices using MorphologicalGraph function: ...
BioKenLyon's user avatar
1 vote

Manipulate control with trackingfunction under autorun

Michael E2 inspired me to bite the bullet and move stuff out of the tracking functions into manipulate's first argument and instead use additional variables to allow testing whether the state of each ...
Stephen Eubank's user avatar
1 vote

TrackingFunction failure with Degree

As Karsten suggests it seems to be the numerics bug he discovered. A work around is to force numeric evaluation of the specification. That is, the following works. ...
m_goldberg's user avatar
  • 108k

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