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Questions tagged [wolfram-alpha-queries]

Use this for questions about calling Wolfram Alpha from Mathematica. Questions about Wolfram Alpha itself are off-topic.

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Mixing Wolfram Language & WolframAlpha Queries - How robust is it?

The advent of Mathematica in the cloud and linguistic input potentially transforms expectations of the Wolfram Language's programming model and its inherent robustness. An example of this comes form ...
Ronald Monson's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Median household income for each county in Maryland

I found that Wolfram|Alpha knows the median household income for every county in the US. I wanted to get a list of all counties in Maryland, and the median income in each county. The only way I could ...
Ted Ersek's user avatar
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3 answers

Find the volume & weight of a US$4,000,000 gold ingot

The other day I read that $4,000,000 worth of gold was stolen from a truck. I was wondering how much it would it weigh, and what would be the volume. Sounds like a good problem for Wolfram|Alpha or ...
Ted Ersek's user avatar
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1 answer

How to take (use, reuse) any data, returned by Wolfram Alpha?

Suppose I wish to use Boltzmann constant in calculations, and I queried it from Wolfram Alpha: Now, how to take any of selected values? If I copy paste I get garbage. How to perform?
Dims's user avatar
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Why does this work with Wolfram|Alpha but not Mathematica? [closed]

I ran into this while doing some work today: It's the exact same syntax - and I expected that Mathematica would be more likely to be able to solve it, since oftentimes Wolfram|Alpha doesn't have all ...
Austin Burk's user avatar
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How to query W|A, to get a list of asymmetric, bicubic and $3$-edge colorable graphs? [closed]

I'm interested in finding graphs with certain properties, like the smallest cubic bipartite asymmetric graph. While working on a related graph-theoretic problem, concerning edge-colrings, I came along ...
draks ...'s user avatar
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Showing steps for TrigExpand

If I enter a double equal sign and the following in Mathematica 10: == integrate 1/(1+x^4) Then wolfram alpha allows me to select a Step-by-step solution, which ...
David's user avatar
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Inverse Fourier transform not evaluating [closed]

I'm trying to do this simple task: InverseFourierTransform[0.031622*Exp[0.4995 ω^2], ω, t] Mathematica 9.0 can't handle it for some reason (it returns with the ...
Tamás Lengyel's user avatar
0 votes
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Initial value problem with Laplace transform

How can I use Mathematica to resolve a Initial value problem involving Laplace-Transform? For example: Solve, using Laplace Transform, the following Initial value problem in [0,+∞] $$ \...
EagleOne's user avatar
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How to extract equations from WolframAlpha step-by-step solution programmatically?

I am calling ...
Kristians Kuhta's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

converting miles into inches from wolframalpha

I was creating a simple quiz. I noticed that wolframalpha converts 0.25 miles into 15800 inches while google converts it into 15840 inches. Is it a bug or did I make some miscalculation?
S L's user avatar
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6 votes
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Returning computable numbers from WolframAlpha

WolframAlpha["Apple company revenue", {{"Result", 1}, "Plaintext"}] Desired output 182800000000 ...
eldo's user avatar
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10 votes
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A femme is a wife is a Frau

As can be seen from LanguageData["Properties"] // Multicolumn Mathematica's translation capabilities seem to be very limited. It can translate month names, ...
eldo's user avatar
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17 votes
4 answers

How to get Company Logo or Image

I can see that companies have a logo in Wolfram|Alpha when I type in their name but I can't get them in Mathematica. For example searching for Apple, Inc. in W|A one of the outputs is the Apple logo. ...
Edmund's user avatar
  • 43.2k
13 votes
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Flying to Australia

I want to compare different flight routes to Australia and their lengths. So far I have written: ...
eldo's user avatar
  • 83.1k
4 votes
1 answer

Converting in various currencies

I was just playing around with Mathematica converting some currencies: ...
Phab's user avatar
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Known restrictions for WolframAlpha in CDF Player and PlayerPro

Are there any known (documented?) restrictions for the use of the WolframAlpha function in CDF-Player and PlayerPro? I only found this answer which mentions upper values for various license version, ...
Albert Retey's user avatar
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Make a table of changes in US coinage

I thought of an innovative use of Mathematica/Alpha that I think Stephen Wolfram would really love, but I can't figure out how to get it to work. The idea is to make a table that would chart the ...
Tyler Durden's user avatar
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Mathematica unable to solve equation numerically while Wolfram|Alpha can

I want to solve the following equation 2 x == Sinh[x] Mathematica is unable to do so ...
Gregger's user avatar
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Strange message appearing when using Wolfram Alpha in Mathematica

I have Mathematica and I've recently noticed that whenever I press the equals sign and type something like Sech[x]^2, I get the message: I then tried other search queries, such as p^2, ...
user85503's user avatar
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Check remaining Wolfram|Alpha calls

As Wolfram|Alpha calls are limited, and on the other side increasingly frequent, I'd like to be able to check how many calls am I able to make at a given time. Is there a function or system variable ...
shrx's user avatar
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Plotting Time Series with call to Wolfram Alpha

I am trying to plot stocks showing some of the local maxima. As an exercise I first tried to load Apple's stock data from Wolfram Alpha with the following code: ...
sunspots's user avatar
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Second derivative implicit differentiation using Wolfram Alpha input?

How would you perform second derivative implicit differentiation using Wolfram Alpha input? The reason that I'm using WA input is that it gives you step-by-step solutions and I'm a first year ...
WXB13's user avatar
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7 votes
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Getting FTSE indices in Mathematica

I'm not sure if this is the best StackExchange to post this question, but I figured it had more to do with the specifics of Mathematica than Quantitative Analysis so I've posted it here. Basically, I ...
Thomas Russell's user avatar
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Permanently set options such as metric units for W|A queries

Mathematica lets me be so lazy that I don't even have to switch to a browser to check the weather report: The only problem is that it will automatically display the temperature and wind speed in ...
Szabolcs's user avatar
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4 answers

Suppress connection to Wolfram|Alpha when making unit conversions

I want to speed up calculations with unit conversions. I suspect primarily that some units evaluate from Wolfram|Alpha. Any way to prevent this automatically, so that Mathematica throws errors/...'s user avatar
4 votes
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Does Mathematica compute free-form-input on Wolfram servers?

I've just started to use Mathematica and I'm using the free-form input a lot. The computation time for simple problems seems to take a lot of time and my CPU isn't really used at all. I first thought ...
qwertz's user avatar
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Problem to plot GDP data coming from Wolfram Alpha

I'm working with economic data and realized that I could extract it directly from WolframAlpha using _Mathematica. So I did it. I extracted the GDP data of the country I'm studying. ...
DiegoOliveira's user avatar
8 votes
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How to extract a possible closed form from WolframAlpha[] output

To find a possible closed form of a number, I can use the function WolframAlpha["6.38905609893065", IncludePods -> "PossibleClosedForm"] It returns a result ...
Vladimir Reshetnikov's user avatar
20 votes
5 answers

Mathematica gives wrong result while Wolfram|Alpha is correct

Why does Mathematica and Wolfram|Alpha give different results based upon the same code? I know Wolfram|Alpha's 7.85 is correct.
James83's user avatar
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7 votes
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Need a generalization of RootApproximant to recognize linear combinations over algebraic numbers

RootApproximant does a very good job when I need to recognize an algebraic number and when enough of its digits are known (or even when an unlimited number of ...
Vladimir Reshetnikov's user avatar
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Creating a function to simplify WolframAlpha query

When I can't remember an integral I usually just query wolfram and have it show steps. This was my naive attempt at trying to make a simpler function. ...
2c2c's user avatar
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How to I get a nutrition facts chart from WolframAlpha?

When I try just a few items such as WolframAlpha["1 whole wheat tortilla + 2 slices american cheese + 150 g steak + 2 tbsp beans + 150 g white rice"] I get the ...
cartonn's user avatar
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Disagreement between FindGeoLocation and Alpha: "Where Am I?"

While trying to estimate a user's location in a notebook, I noticed that FindGeoLocation[] was extremely inaccurate. I realize that it uses an IP lookup to make ...
Corey Kelly's user avatar
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financial data behind Wolfram|Alpha and Finance Platform

I need to price 23,000 securities from 1999 to 2007, and they are surprisingly hard to find on subscription-based services, like Bloomberg LP, ThomsonReuters or S&P CapitalIQ offerings. Probably ...
László's user avatar
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41 votes
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How to compare power towers in Mathematica?

First I tried it directly, but it overflowed: ...
Piotr Shatalin's user avatar
3 votes
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How do I use FinancialData to obtain company revenue and income?

I'd like to make a plot of a company's revenue and income over time. I can do this via Wolfram Alpha pretty easily, just by searching "Ford revenue and earnings from 2000 to 2012". As such I can, if ...
latkin's user avatar
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How can I get all the results from a Wolfram | Alpha query?

When I query Wolfram | Alpha with "city in orange county, california", it returns the first four results with a note that there are "42 total". I can then hit the "more" button until all 42 are ...
Bezewy's user avatar
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How can I analyse Mathematica data using Wolfram|Alpha?

How can I analyse data stored in Mathematica using Wolfram | Alpha? Here is an example: I have a list: a = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} I can plot it in Mathematica, like ...
Darren Lee's user avatar
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WolframAlpha Selective SubPod Content

I am sending queries to Wolfram | Alpha from Mathematica V9 and and importing the results back into Mathematica, but I am running into a challenge in formatting the request. Specifically, I would like ...
Nguyen Van Falk's user avatar
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Is it possible to use WolframAlpha servers to evaluate equations in Mathematica v8.0.4?

Is it possible to use WolframAlpha computational power to evaluate equations in Mathematica version 8.0.4? The thing is, it takes ages for my computer to evaluate certain equations. It would be ...
Luke's user avatar
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Possible to batch WolframAlpha queries?

Sometimes I want some country data not available from CountryData. And issuing things like: ...
ssch's user avatar
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How to figure out how to make WolframAlpha work predictably

I'd like to get football data out of Wolfram|Alpha and into Mathematica 9, but I'm having some minor difficulty. Naturally, I'd like to know how to accomplish this task (details below), but I'm more ...
Kevin O'Bryant's user avatar
93 votes
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How to create a new "person curve"?

Wolfram|Alpha has a whole collection¹ of parametric curves that create images of famous people. To see them, enter WolframAlpha["person curve"] into a Mathematica ...
Simon's user avatar
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Interactive steam tables and phase diagrams in Mathematica

I teach an undergraduate course in Thermodynamics and I would love to use Mathematica to demonstrate the various engineering processes that involve the expansions and compressions of steam and common ...
dearN's user avatar
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Getting all physical units with prefixes

How we can get the list with all physical units and prefixes from WolframAlpha and make symbols from the result to be equal their corresponding quantities like described in this post?
swish's user avatar
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Problems getting clean sunrise, sunset, civil, nautical and astronomical twilight data

If in a notebook you enter: ...
George Wolfe's user avatar
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How do I make data retrieved from Wolfram|Alpha persist in a notebook?

I want to store hourly temperature readings retrieved from Wolfram|Alpha in an array in my notebook. If this is not possible, then tell me how to preserve the retrieved data in my notebook, so when it ...
Soum's user avatar
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In finding a logarithmic fit for some data (of the form a*Log[b*x]), WolframAlpha succeeds where Mathematica 7.0 fails, why?

I would like to fit a function of the form: $a \log(b x)$ to a set of data: ...
Ski's user avatar
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Nonsense Data with Wolfram Alpha + Mathematica?

I am trying to learn how to interface with WolframAlpha. When I try using the Mathematica interface I get nonsensical data. I don't know if this is a bug or if I'm doing it wrong. My goal is to ...
Mikhail's user avatar
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