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Questions tagged [styling]

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2 answers

Factorize into only positive terms, when values are known to be probabilities

I have a large term (a small snippet of which is below as an example) that I am aiming to prove is positive. I know that all the involved values are probabilities and in particular, they lie in (0, 1)....
Andrew Ferdowsian's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to tell Mathematica to collapse all of its sections/subsections in one command?

Is there any command allowing one to collapse all the heading sections in Mathematica (each title content, each chapter, and so on)? I am interested not in the buttons combination, but rather in the ...
John Taylor's user avatar
  • 5,963
3 votes
1 answer

LineLegend can't draw rounded dashes?

I have a plot with rounded dashes, but LineLegend seems to be unable to draw them. ...
WillG's user avatar
  • 1,061
1 vote
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Mathematica not finding correct font for some font variants

I am experiencing a puzzling behaviour when trying to use the font Fontin in Mathematica If I attempt to use the regular variant of the font, Mathematica instead displays the small caps ...
JonatanBB's user avatar