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Problem with Spectrogram

Some time ago I wrote a program to analyse a short segment of music and plot as a spectrogram in Mathematica. It allows one to find the notes in a weird chord for example. The example below is from ...
RobScottSpace's user avatar
2 votes
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Play two sounds at the same time in mathematica. For example the inventions of Bach NO.8

I use mathematica to play the Inventions No8 by Bach. I want to play the two parts (by right and left hands )at the same time. But I don't know how to do it. Can you help me? Thank you! ...
plus Plus's user avatar
3 votes
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Audio Digital Signal Processing

Resource and strategy request I want to identify resources and strategies to implement a Mathematica based solution for audio digital signal processing (DSP) and digital to analog conversion (DAC). ...
Jagra's user avatar
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Sound steganography with `InverseSpectrogram`

Here is my code of how to hide a message inside a sound: ...
azerbajdzan's user avatar
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How to convolve two audio signal?

Can we obtain reverb effect by convolve two audio signal? Here are some example.
木子何's user avatar
1 vote
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Noise filtering in audio

I was given audio with white Gaussian noise and i have to implement two types of filter: Rectangle and Triangle that filter out redundant frequencies and reduce the amount of noise Here is the code ...
omaraw's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

How to reproduce Spectrogram from SpectrogramArray?

I'm trying to reproduce the result of Spectrogram from SpectrogramArray, but having no luck, any help? What I've got so far: <...
Incömplete's user avatar
1 vote
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What's the parameters of the Spectrogram function

The Spectrogram functions only has these parameters listed: Spectrogram[list,n,d,wfun] What's the value of the other ...
Incömplete's user avatar
0 votes
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Why is the number of sample points of an audio changed after being export?

I have an audio audio001 and I need to export/import it so that I can do auto-correlation. Below I used ...
H42's user avatar
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Plot Audio DAta

I am a beginner in mathematica. Currently i am working on audio file my problem is when i extract audio information using BinaryReadList and try to plot it works with mono wav file but cannot get ...
mtl Kh's user avatar
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How to filter audio to get best results in correlation?

I am trying to recognise the alphabetical letters by saving some data of records of me and others saying each letter, then comparing a test audio not contained in the data to each letter using the ...
Helena Maxcici's user avatar
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Sound Processing frequency Dynamicly

Would like to know if there is a method to call upon the frequency of a song at a given time for instance at 0:34 second the frequency is x ; But to do this live meaning as long as the song is ...
Omar Ahmed's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Frequency of ticks in mechanical watches

I'm looking to find the frequency of a relatively large dataset (or a relatively short audio file) of a repeating sound, like so: Here are the original files, for those willing to play. :) eta2412 ...
DrMrstheMonarch's user avatar
2 votes
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Create tone with adjustable frequency/amplitude

How can I play a tone and adjust its frequency and amplitude? As an example, say I wanted to play a SquareWave with a slider for frequency and amplitude. Using a <...
speedstyle's user avatar
27 votes
4 answers

How fast is my fidget spinner spinning? A sound experiment!

I would like to measure how fast my 6-bladed fidget spinner spins. To do so, after giving it a hard spin, I gently touch the spinner with a wooden stirring stick to create a buzzing sound which ...
Miladiouss's user avatar
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Is there a discrepancy between reported and actual SampleRate in AudioGenerator

When AudioGenerator is used to generate an Audio object, there may be a discrepancy between the specified (and reported) SampleRate and the actual time difference between the samples. This was ...
Daniel W's user avatar
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Is there a complex version of PeriodogramArray?

I am trying to build some functions to help me work with audio data collected as time streams but converted to the frequency domain. The frequency domain results must be complex because phase is ...
Daniel W's user avatar
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Computing FundamentalFrequency

How does Mathematica use AudioLocalMeasurements to compute the fundamental frequency? Is there any formula? I can't seem to find what method Mathematica makes use ...
WhatIfWeAreWrong's user avatar
3 votes
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Confused about the usage of AudioSpectralTransformation

The documentation for AudioSpectralTransformation says: AudioSpectralTransformation computes the short-time Fourier transform of audio, maps every value at ...
partida's user avatar
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Finding peaks on a Periodogram

I am currently working on a school project involving modelling sound recordings of piano notes. I have used the periodogram function to graph my recording and would like to find the peaks of this ...
user374560's user avatar
4 votes
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Identify a note in a song using Mathematica

I'm trying to figure out how to use Mathematica to identify a note from a song. The short .mp3 file found here or here contains a bass-note that I'd like to identify. I can find it through ...
GregH's user avatar
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Why there is a click sound when I play a sound?

When I consider this simple code: ListPlay[RandomReal[1, {2000}], SampleRate -> 1000] I hear a click at the beginning of the sound sample and at the end of ...
gurluk's user avatar
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How can I convert a Sound created with SoundNote to a list of samples?

I have a Sound created with SoundNote, as follows: simpleSound = Sound[SoundNote["C"]] ...
Jabavu Adams's user avatar
8 votes
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How to extract notes and chords from audio?

I have a 3-second recording of a guitar chord which you can safely download here. I'm trying to use Mathematica's wavelet features to find out the notes in the chord, at least the docs says that ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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Can Mathematica reconstruct an audio signal from a given spectrogram

I just realized that Mathematica can easily construct a spectrogram for a given .wav file. My question is, to what extent can this process be inverted in Mathematica? Namely, lets say I have the ...
guest's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Resources for Sound Synthesis & Design

Are there any resources for sound synthesis using Mathematica? This page, Mathematica: Audio Synthesis Software, refers to other software packages, e.g. Max/MSP and Csound, for real-time synthesis. ...
Chris Degnen's user avatar
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0 votes
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ListLinePlot "Cannot Take Positions" error with Fourier of WAV file

When I try to do a Fourier analysis of a WAV file with a sample rate of 22050 I get an error "Cannot take positions". What am doing wrong? ...
Tyler Durden's user avatar
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Looking to create a lesson on sensory perception of sound

I'm looking to show students a lesson on sensory perception, more specifically on masking. I know a little Mathematica but sound processing has evaded me. I would like to create a white noise and ...
Levi's user avatar
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How to get the total intensity of a certain frequency range in an audio file?

Does anyone know how to get the total intensity of a certain frequency range in an audio file? Let's say an audio file has a frequency range from 0Hz to 20KHz, and I want to extract the total ...
Ting Lee's user avatar
31 votes
3 answers

How do you remove noise to detect just the human voice?

How do you detect different sound frequencies and cut off parts in an audio file? Among instruments, how do you pick up the human voice?
user4795's user avatar
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23 votes
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Can one find the beat of a tune with Fourier analysis?

I'm trying to find out if it's possible to find the beat of a tune by Fourier analysis with Mathematica. I'm taking a 44.1 kHz sample sound and hoping that I might get a nice peak for a frequency ...
F'x's user avatar
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