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15 votes
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Rapid density estimation and rendering of decision regions

I would like to create an interactive demonstration using Manipulate[] that illustrates a fundamental concept in pattern classification and machine learning. This ...
David G. Stork's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Why is SVM unable to separate linearly separable data?

I have two sets of data, namely blue and yellow. I manually added a point {8, -3} to the blue data. ...
H42's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How to recreate this 3D plot?

In other languages, one can make a FeaturePlot3D-esque graphics where the inset images look realistically three dimensional. Meaning that they are smaller when farther away (and also hazier). So how ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How can I plot this one-dimensional Self Organizing (Kohonen) Map?

Mathematica used to have a package called NeuralNetworks that is not currently working. With that package, you could create a Kohonen or Self Organizing Map (
Juan Carlos Herranz Ramos's user avatar
3 votes
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FeatureSpacePlot freaks out with LatentSemanticAnalysis on words

I'm playing with FeatureSpacePlot on a collection of words: ...
b3m2a1's user avatar
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2 votes
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How does mathematica generate FinalPlots

It is well known that after using NetTrain[net,dataset,All], a NetTrainResultObject is returned. This is an association, with a ...
t-smart's user avatar
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3 answers

plotting plot $(- \infty, x]$ for any arbitrary $x$? [closed]

is it possible to plot $(- \infty, x]$ for any arbitrary $x$ on wolfram online? is it possible provide commands? I am trying to understand the concept of Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension.
M K's user avatar
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How can I get a mean ROC curve from multiple Classify iterations?

I'm running a classifier on some data using Classify. Because the classifier results depend on the data used for training, I decided to run the classifier in a loop ...
LNah's user avatar
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multivariate Gaussian distribution with identity covariance

I want to draw Geometry (or contours) for multivariate Gaussian distribution with identity covariance matrix (or draw decision boundary). How this is possible via Wolfram's online at Here? Please ...
user355834's user avatar