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Unable to replicate Predict/NeuralNetwork example from Help Pages

I am trying to replicate an example right out of the help manual (ref/method/NeuralNetwork). This example compares the convolutional NN versus a fully-connected NN....
dearN's user avatar
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Implementing Contextual Bandits

The multi-armed bandit problem (MAB) is a classic in Reinforcement learning. Now that Mathematica version 12 finally has support for Reinforcement learning: Here's a nice "mnist example" for training ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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TextContent does not work on my computer

TextContents does not work, returns `TextContents::wlnetcorr2: A required WLNet file is corrupted and could not be loaded. `TextContents::nlpnetmodel: An internal error occurred while loading a ...
Slepecky Mamut's user avatar
6 votes
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Can I use Mathematica ML capability to translate an image of a formula?

If I am given a pdf image of a mathematical symbolic formula can I translate it into Mathematica syntax using ML? I tried using Classify, but I can only translate parts of the equation and I don't ...
Gluoncito's user avatar
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Bug in the classification optimization algorithm for large data sets

I believe that I encountered a bug in Mathematica 12. The Classify[] function throws errors when simultaneously: The training set has significantly above $10^5$ ...
Druid's user avatar
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Predict the form of a function using machine learning

I have a function F[x_] := x^3/(e^x -1) I generate many data points i = 1,2,3,4, ... ...
Quasar Supernova's user avatar
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Can I extract symbolic expression of neural network loss function?

Once we create a neural network with NetChain in Mathematica, can we extract the loss function in the symbolic form for Mathematica to play with symbolic manipulations using Mathematica's built-in ...
dbm's user avatar
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How do I create my own activation function in NetChain in Mathematica?

I want to have my own activation function, say a quadratic function, instead of Tanh, or Sigmoid etc. in Mathematica. How do I insert it in NetChain? e.g., how will the below code look for a new ...
jjal's user avatar
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Not able to use ImageIdentify

When I tried to use ImageIdentify (Trial version of Mathematica 12) on an image I clicked on my mobile I got this error message ImageIdentify::interr: An internal error occurred: An unexpected error ...
Quasar Supernova's user avatar
7 votes
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How to extend ImageCases?

I was very excited to see ImageCases being documented in version 12. But I immediately desired a mechanism for adding more entities to ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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Can I use machine learning to predict a functions behavior?

I want to use this as training data (1, sin(x)), (2, sin(2x)), (3, sin(3x)) and answer the question what is (20, ?). I ...
Quasar Supernova's user avatar
6 votes
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Compute neural network loss over sliding windows?

I am trying to use the structural similarity index, which is defined in terms of a computation over sliding windows, as a neural network loss function. Obviously one can get a sliding mean using a <...
Michael Curry's user avatar
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Bug in EmbeddingLayer?

Alexey Golyshev's user avatar
6 votes
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How to load trained RNN in MXNet?

No problems with CNN ...
Alexey Golyshev's user avatar
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Creating a prediction/distribution based on several years of data

So I have several years of data from a survey. For each year I've used FindDistribution and Predict to see if I can fit the data. Here's one example Where I used FindDistribution to get ...
Illari's user avatar
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How to Sample from a Probability Density Function

I've done a pretty good job working my way through and understanding the various ways to calculate the differences between probability distributions through Kullback Leibler Divergence and was happy ...
BBirdsell's user avatar
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What is the meaning of "Number of features" returned by ClassifierInformation?

I have set of 13 dimensional vectors split into three classes, and I'm building a classifier using supervised learning. After running c = Classify[..] on ...
Nick's user avatar
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Physics based predictive model using Predict

Summary: The first order response of a block of metal quenching in a fluid (or a cold block heating in a warm environment) is well known. I am trying to create a physics based predictive model for ...
dearN's user avatar
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Visualizing and Understanding CNN with Mathematica

The famous 2013 paper from Zeiler and Fergus "Visualizing and Understanding Convolutional Networks" proposes a method to understand the behavior of CNN using one (or more) DeConv networks coupled with ...
Luca's user avatar
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Mathematica command that allows it to read my intentions

In version 2.0 of Mathematica there was a command, ReadProgrammerIntentions[ ] which allowed it rapidly compose code that could solve problems simple to complex, ...
4 votes
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Pulling the principal components out of a DimensionReducerFunction?

Suppose I perform dimension reduction using PCA: ...
Michael Curry's user avatar
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Can I use inbuilt machine learning to guess the n-th term of the inverse series?

Consider this concrete example. InverseSeries[ Series[ PolyLog[s, z], {z, 0, 10}]] From this output is there a way of writing down a formula for the n-th term? ...
Quasar Supernova's user avatar
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How to make Hinton diagrams

I just start studying machine learning with Mathematica and, I want to know how make Hinton diagrams. Can someone give an idea, please?
Ask8's user avatar
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One-hot encode from Integer Encoding

I have several data sets that I am working with in Mathematica. There are several columns of data but I am going through it one column at a time. Now I have some columns where respondents were able to ...
Illari's user avatar
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How to train a bounding box detection model?

Apparently, this still isn't possible in v12? I'd like to add a new class to one of the standard object detection architectures. Consider the YOLO v2 detector from the Neural Net Repo. ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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Cluster analysis with constraints on number of clusters and their abundance

How to perform cluster analysis in a set: With the number of clusters bounded but not specified, e.g. $k\in[3,5]$ With a bounded abundance of clusters (the number of elements in each of the clusters),...
Druid's user avatar
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Oversampling of data set for class balancing

We have a set of $n$ three-dimensional vectors: {{x_1, y_1, z_1}, {x_2, y_2, z_2}, {x_3, y_3, z_3}, ..., {x_n, y_n, z_n}} They represent the results of $n$ ...
Druid's user avatar
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Extracting numerical value from sentiment classifier

I have this code, and want to extract out just the number. I tried QuantityMagnitude and a transformation rule. ...
gotwals's user avatar
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Named entity recognition

How can one process natural language (English) to extract named entities (aka NER)? Or at least, entities which can be mapped to a Mathematica Entity. Note that trying to map entities via simple ...
Francois Vanderseypen's user avatar
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NetGraph/Model for BERT?

Does anyone know of a way to get the BERT model working for word embeddings in Mathematica? Doesn’t seem to be available on GitHub or the Wolfram Net Repo...
M.R.'s user avatar
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Error NetTrain::invencin: Invalid input when training a neural network [closed]

I've build a Deep neural network with various variables: ...
user34018's user avatar
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How do I implement masked Softmax?

Consider: input = {1, 2, 3}; mask = {1, 0, 1} Classic Softmax: SoftmaxLayer[]@input {0.0900306, 0.244728, 0.665241} ...
Alexey Golyshev's user avatar
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How to implement external memory for the "memory augmented neural network"?

I am trying to implement the memory-augmented neural network using MMA 11.3. The memory-augmented neural network in based on the paper here. There are implementations using ...
Baoxiang Pan's user avatar
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ImageRestyle yielding low-level errors even in example cases

the title covers it. I'm on v11.3.0.0 on a MacBook Pro running Mojave 10.14.2, and trying to run ImageRestyle seems to immediately throw a bunch of errors that aren't related to the input in an ...
Ben Kalziqi's user avatar
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How to get function of "GaussianProcess" prediction?

I am a new user of Wolfram Mathematica. I need your help. Let's say I have three variables: x, y, z. I want to calculate the "z" depending on x, and y. In other words, I want to find a function for z ...
Artur Petrosyan's user avatar
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Loading machine learning library without enabling my discrete Nvidia GPU? [closed]

I've asked a similar question [here]. I cannot use some of the machine learning modules without enabling my discrete Nvidia GPU. My setup: Ubuntu 16.04 on a Dell XPS-15 9560 Intel i7 CPU with 8-...
nonreligious's user avatar
3 votes
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The hyper-parameters tuning

I am looking for an automatic tool to hyperparameter tuning. Something similar to Random Search Cross Validation in Scikit-Learn. Note: I used ValidationSet options,...
Kiril Danilchenko's user avatar
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"Learning" to parameterize Hermitian matrices with a basis using neural networks

I'm interested in using neural networks to "learn" how to write down Hermitian matrices, specifically those which are defined over spaces with a specific tensor product structure. The simplest example ...
miggle's user avatar
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Slow down training many neural networks (Bug?)

I am working on something in which I need to train a neural network many times with slightly different training data. I noticed that after many training runs the input rate had dropped significantly. ...
EricMock's user avatar
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Confusing errors using predict to map between matrices

I'm messing around with the new features involving machine learning in Mathematica 11, and one easy thing to try is to make a machine learn the matrix exponential function. The first silly idea I had ...
miggle's user avatar
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Which built-in DistanceFunction options does Mathematica offer? [closed]

The documentation is not specific at all about which built-in distance functions are implemented in Mathematica: For instance, I ...
Kagaratsch's user avatar
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Answer multiple choice questions

FindTextualAnswer isn't working for me here: ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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How can I test my machine learning model on a machine with no Mathematica?

I need to test my machine learning models that I’ve built using Predict on 100,000 observations. The problem is that the machine where the testing is done doesn’t ...
user34018's user avatar
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Neural network not training due to function not loading

I'm trying to train a neural network on Mathematica 11.3, but NetTrain won't work and gives the follwoing error: ...
nonreligious's user avatar
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K-medians clustering computation

Is there a built-in function for data clustering using k-medians algorithm? I found out about the ClusterDissimilarityFunction of the ...
wklm's user avatar
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interface problem for image recognition

I made the following code that should recognize the image imported from the pc. If I do it for the first time it's fine, but if I load a second image it leaves me the name of the previous one. You ...
Pasquale's user avatar
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Speed up Classify using GPU

I am interested in classify binary data using a Random Forest method. My data is numeric tensor and label of each class represented by 1.0 or 0.0. The size of the training data is ~16 million examples,...
Kiril Danilchenko's user avatar
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Creating a GUI for a classifier

I developed the following code which is suitable for cloud deployment. However, in order to avoid the problems of the cloud, I would like to create an user interface that runs in a Mathematica ...
Pasquale's user avatar
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Issue deploying a FormPage using Classify

I developed this code that allows me to recognize what breed is the dog in the inserted image (for the time being developed only for five breeds of dogs), however, when I go to insert the image in ...
Pasquale's user avatar
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Identify emotions from a drawn face using machine learning?

Can someone tell me how you could modify this code so that it recognizes more facial expressions? ... thanks for the help. ...
Pasquale's user avatar

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