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23 votes
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How to ImageRestyle high-res images?

I’m running v12 now and ImageRestyle[] crashes for me on an image of size 1600 x 1200 pixels. All the examples in the documentation use images around 500 x 500 or ...
M.R.'s user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

Importing a grid of numbers from an image (sudoku like)

Can anyone see a way to import a grid of numbers from into Mathematica? TextRecognize doesn't seem ...
Yaroslav Bulatov's user avatar
13 votes
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Wolfram Neural Net Repository Questions

I was a research scientist in the machine learning team, and mostly involved with the neural net repository.
T.B.'s user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

Text recognition - extracting table of text from image

I want to extract table from the image bellow as a list of strings. I tried the following but it does not work. ...
azerbajdzan's user avatar
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9 votes
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Can Mathematica Neural Net make use of the REC file format for images like MXNet?

When using large set of images for training neural networks (>10000, size 250 x 250 each) the time to read the images is quite long. My first approach was to use the DataSet functionality of ...
user2980583's user avatar
7 votes
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Image Generator with a Neural Network (CIFAR-10)

As some of you may know, CIFAR-10 is a data base which has 60,000 images (which are 32x32 in size) of 10 different categories (airplane, dog, cat, frog, deer, bird, horse, ship, automobile and truck). ...
Anna Morales Melgares's user avatar
6 votes
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Neural network: Line detection in Image

I am playing around with Mathematica's new Neural Network toolbox and am trying to teach a network to detect lines in quite noisy images. An example Input image would look like the following: The ...
MaxJ's user avatar
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5 votes
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Single Neuron Dream Example (from Markus van Almsick's Presentation WTC 2017)

I'm teaching myself about Mathematica 11.3 Neural Net capabilities, and I can't get a demonstrably previously working example to work. I've been trying for quite a while without success. In Markus ...
Craig Carter's user avatar
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5 votes
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Why would a symmetric image have an asymmetric PoolingLayer-Gradient Image?

I have a symmetric image img. For simplicity, I would use the below image as my example: ...
H42's user avatar
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Image-based reinforcement learning with neural networks

After seeing that "OpenAIGym" is not exactly supported on Windows and playing around with
Cetin Sert's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

how to implement training for UNET implementation on Wolfram Neural Net Repository?

My question is with reference to the U-NET implementation present on the Wolfram Neural Net Repository The construction notebook present on the page (link: http://...
Ali Hashmi's user avatar
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Custom NetEncoder for lower resolution image input in a pre-trained Inception network

I have come across this neat explanation on how to adjust a pre-trained Inception neural net to an arbitrary number of classes by truncating the top layers. However, my input data does not come in $...
FisherDisinformation's user avatar
2 votes
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Unable to create ClassifierMeasurements for NetGraph

I am trying to check the accuracy of a neural network by using ClassifierMeasurements. I take the MNIST as example:- Code for setting ...
H42's user avatar
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What is the network structure of Ademxapp Model A1 Trained on Cityscapes Data in the Mathematica?

I want to implement the model (Ademxapp Model A1 Trained on Cityscapes Data) on my data for segmentation, so I need the partial structure of this model, can anyone help?
Erfan's user avatar
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