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Issue with variable within Sum[] bounds

I have the following sum that starts from a variable lower bound index $n$: $$\sum _{y=n}^x \frac{n^2! \left(n^2\right)^{-x} \mathcal{S}_x^{(y)}}{\left(n^2-y\right)!}$$ I tried to compute a closed ...
Cardstdani's user avatar
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Issue solving recurrence relation

I´m trying to solve the following recurrence relation: ...
Cardstdani's user avatar
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Symbolic multiple Integrals not delivering expected zero result

Consider the following function defined as a double-integral: $ int_{2D}(h)=\int_0^h \int_0^{t_1}f(t_1,t_2) dt_2 dt_1 $. Clearly, $int_{2D}(0)=0$ as long as $f(t_1,t_2)$ is well-behaved. The previous ...
Jam's user avatar
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Create custom definition for chain rule of partial derivative of a vector-valued function

I'm trying to calculate derivatives of expressions involving an unknown function $F: \mathbb{R}\times\mathbb{R}^n\times\mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^n$, with respect to a parameter $h \in \...
D__'s user avatar
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Is it possible to ask Mathematica to obtain the function describing the upper and lower boundaries of a combinations of functions?

Assume that I have three one-variable non-periodic functions $f(x),g(x),h(x)$ for $x>0$. The question is: is it possible to ask Mathematica to obtain the function describing the upper and lower ...
math2021's user avatar
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How to make delayed function evaluate to zero

I have a function y[r_] := D[otherfunction[r],t] + D[r,t]; where $r$ can pick up a time dependence depending on the problem. When it does not I am having issues ...
ninPHX's user avatar
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Find minimum of integral with two variable terms

I wanted to see an approach to solving this problem with Mathematica: Determine real numbers a and b so that the ...
Moo's user avatar
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How to write a function in the following form f[a_, b_, c_,...] so that it is flexible with respect to the number of arguments?

@lericr have written under several of my questions that the way I try to modernize the code could be made much simpler. Below is the original part of the code. The remaining parts have similar designs,...
Mam Mam's user avatar
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How to correctly reassign variables {c11 -> p11, c12 -> p12} using a Table or some other similar structure?

Why is the value of the function Pxx[1,2] is a number but the function Pxxx[1,2] is an expression? Isn't this construction ...
Mam Mam's user avatar
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How to use sequence of variables (Sequence) correctly?

Why does the function EER[1,2] have a different value than the function EERR[1,2]? Isn't the entry ...
Mam Mam's user avatar
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Why does Mathematica not see some of the function PxB1[a10_, b10_, qa0_, qb0_, c11_, c12_] variables?

Why does Mathematica not see the c11 and c12 variables in the function PxB1[a10_, b10_, qa0_, qb0_, c11_, c12_]? How to fix it? ...
Mam Mam's user avatar
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The correct notation of a function that contains an expression with NIntegrate

I tried to set the function Px[a1_, b1_, qa_, qb_]. Why does Px[1.22, 0.44, 1.40, 1.81] not give out a specific number? ...
Mam Mam's user avatar
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Optimizing execution time and exploring closed form solutions in Mathematica's DSolve

I am encountering two issues while running the following code in Mathematica: Slow execution: I have been running the code for approximately 30 minutes, but it is still executing. I am using Windows ...
internet's user avatar
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A workaround needed to overcome the Derivative function anomaly in Mathematica 13

Edits: Additional illustrations are provided for comparison with D[] in Mathematica 12, as clarifying examples, supplemented at the end. An erroneous Derivative ...
ghogoh's user avatar
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I want Mathematica to evaluate $\int(1 + \delta (x - \text {x0})) p[x] dx$ as $p[x0]+\int p[x] dx$, where $p[x]$ remains unspecified

I define the simple function: Simp[h_] := Integrate[h[x] p[x], {x, -∞, ∞}] where the function p[x] is continuous, but I want ...
Roy S.'s user avatar
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How to double sum or triple sum up over the list of functions?

I'm dealing with a summation problem by now using a list of function $F(x; \theta_i)$. The function is defined as \begin{align*} F(x; \theta) = 1 - \Phi[\Phi^{-1}(1 - \frac{x}{2}) - \theta] + \Phi[-\...
0o0o0o0's user avatar
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How to find the sequence function $f(n,x)$ of the three given functions?

I have the three functions $f(2,x)$, $f(3,x)$ and $f(4,x)$ where $x>0$ ...
math2021's user avatar
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How to test a recursive formula using Mathematica?

Through taking the derivative of $\binom{n}{k}$ w.r.t $n$ repeatedly, I found the recursive formula: $$\frac{\partial^a}{\partial n^a}\binom{n}{k}=\sum_{j=0}^{a-1}\binom{a-1}{i}\frac{\partial^j}{\...
Ali Shadhar's user avatar
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Integration by parts for deriving gamma function

Well, there is an integral that has quite a lot to do with $n!$, and that is the following : $f(n)$ = Integrate[x^(n - 1)/E^x, {x, 0, Infinity}] =$\int_0^{\infty } \...
janhardo's user avatar
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Errors appear after integration of an interpolating function

I have a little question about integration of an interpolating function. There is an error in assumptions of the integral. I have a function that was obtained with an interpolation method: ...
Lorenzo Bagnasacco's user avatar
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Using Piecewise to create a periodic waveform

I want to create a piecewise function that repeats after t=T. ...
Syed's user avatar
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Interpolation of a set of points that include a non-numeric real constants

I have a set of data like: matrix=Table[{x,y,x+y*c1},{x,0,1,0.1},{y,0,1,0.1}] where 'c1' is a real constant. I'm trying to create an interpolation function called '...
Lorenzo Bagnasacco's user avatar
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How to assume some variables to "not" be a function of other variables at the time of defining a function [closed]

I have a function with the following definition: F[x]=Exp[q*w*x]; I want to take total derivatives of F. How can I define that q and w are not dependent on x at the ...
Alex97's user avatar
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Integrate of simple equation but is not solving!

I have this simple integral but I don't know why Mathematica can't solve it?! FullSimplify[Integrate[x/(-x^2 + a x + b)^(1/2), {x, Sqrt[b], Sqrt[R^2 + b]},Assumptions -> {a > 0, b > 0}]]
Mathecis's user avatar
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How to write a function taking limit of multivariables in sequence?

I'm trying to write a function to calculate the limit of a function on a number of variables in sequence. Here I take a function with four variables x, ...
emnha's user avatar
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A function created by Integrate which can be plotted only with certain argument names; NIntegrate works better, but

Here's the function: ...
florin's user avatar
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Slope of a line

Just a quick question. Is there a fast inbuilt function to calculate the slope of a line segment passing through two points {p11,p12} and ...
sam wolfe's user avatar
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How to continually simplify derivatives of function defined in a system? [closed]

For example, if I input something like b'[t_] = a[t]; a'[t_] = -Sin[b[t]]; a''[t] it outputs just a''[t]. Is there a way to ...
keagan_callis's user avatar
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Differential operator in Mathematica

I am fairly new to Mathematica and I wanted to know if I can define the following operator $E:=(x^2\sqrt{1-K(x^2+y^2+z^2}+y^2+z^2)\gamma^{1}\partial_{1}+(y^2\sqrt{1-K(x^2+y^2+z^2}+x^2+z^2)\gamma^{2}\...
lastgunslinger's user avatar
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Integral of a function defined with a loop

I have defined a function g as ...
Glib Verovkin's user avatar
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How to make this moving surface a continuous and derivable function?

I'm having troubles in defining a function of three variables: $t$, $x$, $y$, from a moving bumpy surface that should be derivable relative to its three variables. Here's the animated surface code, ...
Cham's user avatar
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Function that accepts functions and returns an expression containing their partial derivatives

I would like create a function that takes functions as input and includes different partial derivatives of the input functions, for simplicity's sake say: $\qquad m(f(x,y),g(x,y))=f_{xxx}(x,y)+g_{xyy}(...
Mattias Johnson's user avatar
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How to convert a Piecewise function in a HeavisideTheta function?

I want to convert a Piecewise function in a HeavisideTheta function in order to correctly evaluate its derivatives at the point of abrupt change and then integrate the result along the axis. How can I ...
Adam Reis's user avatar
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NIntegrate with a function defined with conditions

Good afternoon, I am trying to integrate a function that is defined with a conditional. The simplified code is the following: ...
TsuKi's user avatar
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Why can't Mathematica evaluate this integral?

I want to work with the rectangle function, which I define by f[x_, m_] := Limit[1/((2*(x - m))^(2*k) + 1), k -> Infinity]; (I know that in theory I can use <...
Richard Burke-Ward's user avatar
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How to find formula from a table?

I recently started using mathematica for simple tasks like simplifying etc. First of all let me say if this breaks any rules I apologize since I'm a novice in using this and I'll remove the question. ...
Jason Moore's user avatar
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How to take limits in Fourier series?

I have a Fourier series which produces an impulse train of period j+1. In principle, it is given by ...
Richard Burke-Ward's user avatar
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Defining an mathematical operator

I'm trying to learn mathematica to use in my thesis. I have basic problems with definitions, calculations etc. Let me ask a question. I want to define anti derivative operator and derivative operator, ...
XepheroS's user avatar
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Iterated differential operator

I would like to implement the following differential operator in Mathematica, $$ \prod_{j=1}^n \left({\mathrm d \over \mathrm d x}-j\right) $$ On a case by case basis, I can just expand it out and ...
B. Erenu's user avatar
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How to write a custom function to judge whether a bivariate function is differentiable at a certain point?

We know that the necessary and sufficient conditions for a multivariate function to be differentiable at a certain point are complicated: Suppose the function $z = f (x_ 1, x_ 2, ..., x_n) $ is ...
A little mouse on the pampas's user avatar
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Building a function to calculate the series solution to this Solved Boundary value problem

I have the following code which solves for $(1)$ (i.e. solves for $C_1$ and $C_2$) $$ T(x,y,z)=\sum_{n,m=0}^{\infty}(C_1 e^{\gamma z}+C_2 e^{-\gamma z})\sin\bigg(\frac{\alpha_n x}{L}+\beta_n\bigg)\sin\...
Avrana's user avatar
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Define function of n variables and integrate [closed]

Im looking at n particles and functions of their coordinates which I want to integrate over: ...
VN23's user avatar
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A complicated boundary value problem leading to third order Eigen sytem [Help in continuing forward] [EDITED]

I have the following elliptic PDE (describing temperature in a plate, w in thermal contact with two fluids h and c): $$\lambda_h \frac{\partial^2 \theta_w}{\partial x^2} + \lambda_c V \frac{\partial^2 ...
Avrana's user avatar
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Create vector/matrix function from derivatives of scalar functions

I am attempting to plot the determinant of a Jacobian matrix that is defined by deriving scalar functions and combining these derivatives into a matrix function (the Jacobian) and then taking its ...
DvanHuyssteen's user avatar
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How to handle Units when Integrating?

I have some functions defined, which are to use units. Now another function is used to integrate over those, with the integration variable also quantified and the input to said function. I better just ...
JustAGuy's user avatar
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Define an $n$-variable function with $n$ undefined?

I would like to define an $n$-variable function with $n$ undefined. For example, I want something like this: $$ f(x_1, \, \dots, \, x_n) = x_1 + \dots + x_n $$ And afterwards I want to take its ...
Anatoliy Lotkov's user avatar
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Why does D ignore conditions specified on a custom function?

I define a function with a condition like so. ClearAll[foo]; foo[expr_] /; FreeQ[expr, bar] := expr Such that foo[12] returns ...
Sam's user avatar
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How to define a function through so that it has an integral of a fixed value?

I have a quite complex function of two-variables, let's say $\alpha(a,b)$ that has a parameter $c$ and I want to set this $c$ so that $\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \alpha(a,b) \: \mathrm{d}a \: \mathrm{d}b ...
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define function as a result of gradient returns unexpected result

This is probably very simple problem, but what am i doing wrong? c[x_, y_] := x*y; Grad[c[x, y], {x, y}] d[x_, y_] := Grad[c[x, y], {x, y}]; d[1, 1] Returns: <...
atapaka's user avatar
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Find constant that allows an integral to be finite

I have a function which is a not-so complicated polynomial, depending on a parameter $c$: $$f(r,c) = \frac{-2 r^4-4 r^3-6 r^2-6 r-3}{8 r^3}-\frac{c \left(-2 r^2-2 r-1\right)}{4 r^3}$$ What I am ...
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