I had a query on multiples poles in [Contour Integral][1] using the [Residue Theorem][2]. I had an integral which I wanted to solve using the Residue Theorem. By the help of mathematica experts i solved my problem.
Δ = .3;
λ = .1;
b = .1;
a1 = λ^2 + Δ^2 - b^2;
a2 = 2*Δ*λ;
den[z_] := z (z^4*a2 - z^2*I*2*a1 - a2)
num[y_] := I*(y^2 (Δ - I*λ) - (Δ + I*λ))^2
poles = z /. Solve[den[z] == 0, z];
fun[z_] := (1/a2) num[z]/(Times @@ (z - poles))
cand = {#, Residue[fun[z], {z, #}]} & /@ poles;
Total@Cases[cand, {_?(Abs@# < 1 &), y_} :> y] // Timing
And the output is
{0., 1.14907 - 1.11022*10^-16 I}
By using Principlevalue command output is same but
D1 = 1/\[Pi] Integrate[(Δ*Sin[z] - λ*Cos[z])^2/(
a1 - a2*Sin[2*z]), {z, 0, 2*\[Pi]}, PrincipalValue -> True] //
And the out put is
{1.016, 1.14907 + 0. I}
Both are same but Residue sum method takes smaller time. Thanks to everyone for helping me in solving this problem.