I am $\TeX$ writing notes on complex analysis, I need to use figures of contour paths to integrate on them, how can I plot them on Mathematica, something like this
adding also the $\gamma_R$ legends in $\TeX$ if possible ?
lin[x_] := {Arrowheads[{{0.05, 0.5}}], Arrow[Most@x]};
arc[x_] :=
{Arrowheads[{{0.05, 0.5}}],
x[[1]] {Cos[j], x[[-2]] Sin[j]}, {j, x[[2]], x[[3]],
0.01 (x[[3]] - x[[2]])}]]};
cont[lst_] := If[#[[-1]] == "line", lin@#, arc@#] & /@ lst
Example of right most contour but you could adapt to others by specifying contour as list of elements (am time poor at present):
im[d_, o_] :=
cont[{{{o, d}, {1, d}, "line"}, {1, ArcTan[d], 2 Pi - ArcTan[d], 1,
"arc"}, {{1, -d}, {o, -d}, "line"}, {Norm[{o, d}], ArcTan[d/o],
2 Pi - ArcTan[d/o], -1, "arc"}}], Black,
Text["|z|=1/R", 2 Norm[{o, d}] {Cos[3 Pi/4], Sin[3 Pi/4]}]},
Axes -> True,
Ticks -> {{{1.1, "R"}, {-1.1, "-R"}}, {{1.1, "i R"}, {-1.1,
"-i R"}}}, PlotRange -> {{-1.3, 1.3}, {-1.3, 1.3}}]
You can format text and contour as desired.
{Text[Style["|z| = 1/R", 22, Italic, FontFamily -> "Times"], {-.4, .15}],
Text[Style["\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(\[Eta]\), \(R\)]\)", 22, Italic,
FontFamily -> "Times"], {.8, .8}],
{Arrowheads[.05], Arrow[{{.01, 1}, {-.01, 1}}]},
{Arrowheads[.05], Arrow[{{-.01, -1}, {.01, -1}}]},
{Arrowheads[.05], Arrow[{{.15, .05}, {.6, .05}}]},
{Arrowheads[.05], Arrow[{{1, -.05}, {.4, -.05}}]},
Line[{{.6, .05}, {1, .05}}],
Line[{{.4, -.05}, {.15, -.05}}],
Circle[{0, 0}, .15, {.3, 2 \[Pi] - .3}],
Circle[{0, 0}, 1, {.05, 2 \[Pi] - .05}]}},
Axes -> True,
Ticks -> {{{1.1, Text[Style["R", Italic, 24]], 0},
{-1.1, Text[Style["-R", Italic, 24]], 0}},
{{ 1.1, Text[Style["iR", Italic, 24]], 0},
{-1.1, Text[Style["-iR", Italic, 24]], 0}}},
PlotRange -> {{-1.2, 1.2}, {-1.2, 1.2}}]
will be quite helpful here. $\endgroup$