x y''[x]+2y'[x]+l^2 x y[x]==0/.y[x]->Cos[x]
I think above code shows what I want to do quite clearly. How do I make it happen. Only y[x] is replaced.
This question has been asked for times, Evaluation of Derivative in a Module and Replace rule with function? Derivatives don't evaluate.
Here are several ways to solve it:
If you do not mind pollute Global
namespace, assign the function first.
y[x_] = Cos[x]
x y''[x] + 2 y'[x] + l^2 x y[x] == 0
If you mind, assign it in a Block
Block[{y}, y[x_] = Cos[x];
x y''[x] + 2 y'[x] + l^2 x y[x] == 0]
or, replace it by a pure function:
x y''[x] + 2 y'[x] + l^2 x y[x] == 0 /. y -> Function[x, Cos[x]]
If you are trying to do something more complex, then these methods will fail:
In[1]:= F[func_] := Block[{y}, y[x_] = func;
x y''[x] + 2 y'[x] + l^2 x y[x] == 0]
In[2]:= F[Cos[x]]
Out[2]= l^2 x Cos[x] == 0
In[1]:= F[func_] := x y''[x] + 2 y'[x] + l^2 x y[x] == 0 /. y -> Function[x, func]
In[2]:= F[Cos[x]]
Out[2]= l^2 x Cos[x] == 0
The methods in the link will work:
In[7]:= F[func_] :=
Block[{y, e}, e = x y''[x] + 2 y'[x] + l^2 x y[x] == 0;
e /. y -> Function[x, #]] &[func]
In[8]:= F[Cos[x]]
Out[8]= -x Cos[x] + l^2 x Cos[x] - 2 Sin[x] == 0
In[11]:= F[func_] :=
x y''[x] + 2 y'[x] + l^2 x y[x] == 0 /. y -> Function[x, #] &[func]
In[12]:= F[Cos[x]]
Out[12]= -x Cos[x] + l^2 x Cos[x] - 2 Sin[x] == 0
I do not quite understand why the last two methods work, I hope someone can explain it in this answer.
y -> Cos
. $\endgroup$dChange
like:dChange[ x y''[x] + 2 y'[x] + l^2 x y[x] == 0, y[x] == Cos[x] ]
. 80241 - feedback appreciated. $\endgroup$y -> Function[x, Cos[x]^2]
… $\endgroup$