I want to solve numerically for the system of the driven damped pendulum using Mathematica. This is the second-order nonlinear equation \begin{equation} \ddot{x} + 2 \beta \dot{x}+ \omega_0^2 \sin x = \gamma \omega_0^2 \cos[\omega t] \end{equation} The Mathematica code I used is simply
s = NDSolve[{x''[t] + 2 β x'[t] + ω0^2 Sin[x[t]] == γ ω0^2 Cos[ω t], x[0] == 0, x'[0] == 0}, x, {t, 0, 500}, PrecisionGoal -> 20][[1]];
With parameters
β = ω0/4; γ = 0.2; ω = 2 π; ω0 = 1.5 ω;
However, the solution
x[t] /. s
Is an interpolation function defined only for $t\in [0,101]$ roughly. Plotting the function shows that it suddenly diverges at $t \approx 101$, which clearly should not happen. I tried changing the PrecisionGoal but this only change the exact value at which the function diverges - it still diverges at some value well before $t=500$. The problem persists for other values of the parameters, when I change $\gamma$.
Is there any way to get an accurate solution for longer times?
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