I have scanned a signature and that looks like this
I want to smooth it. I saw this post where they do this using Photoshop or GIMP.
I tried to replicate that in Mathematica so I can automatize the process since I have to run this on 50+ signatures.
What I did was
image = Import["path/to/my/image"];
ImageResize[Threshold[ GaussianFilter[ImageResize[image, Scaled[2]], 5], {"Hard", "Cluster"}], 400]
And got this
It looks smoother but also a little bit blurry. I think I got a better result with GIMP but it will take a lot of time if I do that by hand 50+ times.
This is what I got with GIMP
Any idea how to improve this?
I got something a little bit better
This gives me
Part of this came from this post.