
Given that I have two variables $\theta,t$, for the varible $t$, $\theta$ always owns several values. Namely, $$\{t,\theta_1,\theta_2,\theta_3,\theta_4...\}$$ where $t$ in the interval$[0,1]$ and $\theta$ in the interval$[0,2\pi]$

My sample data


My goal

I would like to plot independent curves according these discrete points in one graphic.

My trial

Firstly, I visualize these discrete points and show them in one graphic:

 Data1 = Thread@{originalData[[All, 1]], originalData[[All, 2]]};
 Data2 = Thread@{originalData[[All, 1]], originalData[[All, 3]]};
 middle = Cases[originalData, {_, _, _, _, _}];
 Data3 = Thread@{middle[[All, 1]], middle[[All, 4]]};
 Data4 = Thread@{middle[[All, 1]], middle[[All, 5]]};

  ListPlot[#1, PlotStyle -> {#2, PointSize[Small]}] & @@@
   (Thread@{{Data1, Data2, Data3, Data4}, {Red, Blue, Black, Green}}),
   AxesOrigin -> {0, -1}, ImageSize -> 700, 
   PlotRange -> {{0, 1}, {-1, 7}},
   GridLines -> {{}, {0, 2 \[Pi]}}, AxesStyle -> Arrowheads[.02],
   GridLinesStyle -> Directive[RGBColor[1, 0, 1], Dashed],
   AxesLabel -> (Style[#, 15, Red, Italic, 
   FontFamily -> "Helvetica"] & /@ {"t", "\[Theta]"})]

enter image description here

By the visualizstion of ListPlot and Show, I know that there are 4 part(Part 1,Part 2,Part 3,Part 4) subpictures in this graphic.

enter image description here

My question(difficulty)

1,Is it possible to connect the the disrete points of Part $i$.Namely, make the Part $i$ become a continuous curve?

2,Now I have no idea to solve this problem, so if possible, can someone give some suggestions (algorithm or hint)? Thanks in advance:-)

  • 4
    $\begingroup$ You could use Nearest or similar to stitch your point sets together. Other possibly (?) useful functions: FindCurvePath and FindShortestTour. $\endgroup$
    – Yves Klett
    Commented Jan 4, 2015 at 8:52

2 Answers 2


Method 1: FindCurvePath (as mentioned by Yves Klett). This method is simple, but unfortunately, there are small issues (as shown in plots), that the curves are not identified perfectly.

arrayData = 
  Flatten[Function[{lst}, {First @ lst, #} & /@ Rest[lst]] /@ 
    originalData, 1];

curvesPosition = FindCurvePath[arrayData];

ListPlot[curves = 
  arrayData[[curvesPosition[[#]]]] & /@ Range@Length@curvesPosition, 
 Joined -> True, PlotMarkers -> None]

enter image description here

Method 2: Code to separate curves by hand:

The list arrayData converts originalData into the form {{t1, θ1}, {t2, θ2}, ...}. This form is easier for processing.

arrayData = 
  Flatten[Function[{lst}, {First @ lst, #} & /@ Rest[lst]] /@ 
    originalData, 1];

Because we plan to measure EuclideanDistance later, we first normalize the data. After splitting the data into segments, we shall restore the standard deviation.

SD = StandardDeviation[arrayData];
applySD = {#1/SD[[1]], #2/SD[[2]]} &;
restoreSD = {#1 * SD[[1]], #2 * SD[[2]]} &;

normData = applySD @@@ arrayData;

To avoid curves breaking in the middle, we shall need to find starting points of a a curve. The function findStart does this job. The best guess starting point A is the point such that the two nearest points to A (denoted by B and C) point to closest directions, i.e. ∠BAC is smallest. If the points are dense enough, ∠BAC should be close to 0 for starting points, and close to π for a point in the middle of a segment.

findStart[lst_]:= Module[{near1, near2, angle, best, bestAngle = Infinity},
        If[Length @ lst <= 2, Return[lst[[1]]]];
        {near1, near2} = Nearest[lst, elem, 3][[2;;]]; (* exclude elem itself *)
        angle = VectorAngle[near1-elem, near2-elem];
        If[angle < bestAngle, best = elem; bestAngle = angle]
    , {elem, lst}];

The moveStep is the major function to do the work. moreStep[{lst, new}] acts as follows:

Find the nearest point to the last element of new in lst. If the point is near (there is a parameter to define near, 0.5 in the code), move the nearest point from lst to new. If the nearest point is too far away (i.e. not on the current segment), save the current segment and reset the new list.

Note that the list that the OP gives is ordered in t. If it is not the case, one should sort the list by t. Otherwise, a segment may be broken into two from the middle.

moveStep = Function[{input},Module[{elem,neighbor,lst,new},
    lst = First@input;
    new = Last@input;
    If[new=!={}, elem=new[[-1]], elem = findStart @ lst];
        {lst, {}}
        ,{DeleteCases[lst,neighbor], Append[new,neighbor]}]]];

Then we shall apply multiple steps using Nest. Each step moves one element. Thus the number of steps to nest is length of arrayData.

segments = {};
test = NestWhile[moveStep, {normData, {}}, #[[1]] =!= {} &];
AppendTo[segments, Last@test];

Restore standard derivation, and plot the result.

result = Apply[restoreSD, segments, {2}];

ListPlot[result, Joined -> True, PlotMarkers -> None]

enter image description here

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Nice answer!I am reading this to understand your program!Thanks a lot:-) $\endgroup$
    – xyz
    Commented Jan 5, 2015 at 6:16
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Dear Yi Wang, I cannot understand the code If[neighbor===elem, neighbor = Nearest[DeleteCases[lst, neighbor], elem][[1]]];in the function moveStep. Could you explain it to me? In addition, I'd like to know that why the data need be normalized? Thanks !:-) $\endgroup$
    – xyz
    Commented Jan 6, 2015 at 2:13
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @ShutaoTang : After looking at the code again, I apologize that there were a few problems. (1) As you points out, this If[...] statement is confusing and not necessary. To keep things consistent, DeleteCases[lst,neighbor] is used for both cases at the end of moveStep. (2) I noted that in the previous version, "⊂" shaped curve cannot be identified nicely, because it cannot guess the start point of "⊂" shaped curve. I added findStart function to find starting point of a curve more carefully. $\endgroup$
    – Yi Wang
    Commented Jan 6, 2015 at 7:45
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ The data is normalized because, otherwise, calculating EuclideanDistance in the vertical piece "|" and the horizontal piece "-" of a curve cannot give comparable result. $\endgroup$
    – Yi Wang
    Commented Jan 6, 2015 at 8:03
  • 3
    $\begingroup$ For speed improvement I would suggest precomputing nf=Nearest[list] (outside moveStep) and then using nf[elem] subsequently. I think it will be faster to pass the NearestFunction into the subroutine than to recompute it every time. $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 6, 2015 at 15:53

One can use the periodicity over $\theta$ and add one periodic copy of the data. In this case FindCurvePath works much better. I also add an interpolation of the result

arrayData = Flatten[Thread@{#, Join[{##2}, {##2} + 2 π]} & @@@ originalData, 1];
curvesPosition = FindCurvePath@arrayData;
{t, θ} = Interpolation@Transpose@{Range[0., 1, 1/(Length@# - 1)], #} & /@ 
      Transpose@arrayData[[#]] & /@ curvesPosition // Transpose;

ParametricPlot[Evaluate@Table[{t[[i]][ξ], θ[[i]][ξ]}, {i, Length@t}], {ξ, 0, 1}, 
 AspectRatio -> 1/GoldenRatio, PlotRange -> {{0, 1}, {0, 4 π}}]

plot of data

Let's select only full curves and plot them by $\bmod 2\pi$. Now we explicitly see that there are only two branches:

ParametricPlot[{{t[[1]][ξ], Mod[θ[[1]][ξ], 2 π]}, 
  {t[[2]][ξ], Mod[θ[[2]][ξ], 2 π]}}, {ξ, 0, 1}, 
 AspectRatio -> 1/GoldenRatio, PlotRange -> {{0, 1}, {0, 2 π}}]

plot with two branches


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