RandomFunction[QueueingProcess[3, 5], {0, 15}]
Histogram[data, Automatic, "PDF"]
gives a very nice way to see the histogram based on the specified process. However, my process data comes from the observed values.
I tried to assign
data={{0.0, 0}, {2.0199, 1}, {3.3544, 0}, {6.2484, 1}, {7.0204,
0}, {16.6974, 1}, {17.4653, 0}, {33.1508, 1}, {33.5897,
2}, {36.3656, 1}, {48.2725, 2}, {57.1227, 1}, {67.6013,
0}, {69.2908, 1}, {72.8626, 0}, {86.6029, 1}, {87.6669,
0}, {120.7927, 1}, {122.8568, 0}, {125.4026, 1}, {131.7756,
0}, {132.8221, 1}, {135.0257, 0}, {140.9808, 1}, {147.2401,
0}, {160.6539, 1}, {162.4473, 0}, {170.9659, 1}, {177.8401,
2}, {181.3527, 1}, {195.5088, 0}, {205.4589, 1}, {211.7528, 2}}
Where the first item corresponds to the time and the second to the actual value. However, mathematica does not seem to recognize it, taking the first item as the value.
This is a continuous process and I only have records when the value changes, i.e. from 0 to 1, to 2 to 1, etc.
How can I create a Histogram based on such time data?