I am confused about incomplete gamma function calculation in Mathematica and MATLAB:
For example, in Mathematica:
Gamma[5,3] = 19.56
But in MATLAB:
gammainc(5,3) = 0.8753
I don't know which one is correct, MATLAB result or Mathematica result?
I am confused about incomplete gamma function calculation in Mathematica and MATLAB:
For example, in Mathematica:
Gamma[5,3] = 19.56
But in MATLAB:
gammainc(5,3) = 0.8753
I don't know which one is correct, MATLAB result or Mathematica result?
In Mathematica, Gamma[a, z]
refers to the upper incomplete Gamma function, given by
$$\Gamma(a,z)=\int_z^\infty t^{a-1}e^{-t}\,dt$$
whereas in MATLAB, gammainc(z, a)
refers to the regularized lower incomplete Gamma function
$$P(a,z)=\frac{1}{\Gamma(a)}\int_0^z t^{a-1}e^{-t}\, dt$$
Obviously, they give different results. To get MATLAB's result in Mathematica, use the following:
gammainc[a_, z_] := Gamma[a, 0, z]/Gamma[a]
N@gammainc[3, 5]
(* 0.875348 *)
gammainc[a_, z_] := GammaRegularized[a, 0, z]
; it has been anticipated that people would frequently want the scaled version.
May 10, 2015 at 10:12