here is the code I am using - having issues getting started in FEA for this simple beam model. The problem is simple - I have looked at posted examples of MMA FEA, but they are all 2D and 3D problems. If I can get this simple 1D model made and play with it, I know I can get a better understanding of the general approach for MMA FEA.
(*Define parameters*)
Ls = 10; (*Length of the beam in meters*)
Es = 210*10^9; (*Young's modulus in Pascals*)
Is = 1*10^-6; (*Moment of inertia in m^4*)
qs = 1000; (*Uniform load in N/m applied over half the beam*)
(*Load function definition*)
loadFunction[x_] := If[x <= Ls/2, qs, 0];
(*Beam equation setup using FEM*)
beamDomain = ToElementMesh[Line[{0, 0}, {0, Ls}]];
(*Check if mesh is created properly*)
(*Boundary conditions for a simply supported beam*)
boundaryConditions = {w[0] == 0, w[Ls] == 0, Derivative[2][w][0] == 0,
Derivative[2][w][Ls] == 0};
(*Beam equation*)
beamPDE = Es*Is*D[w[x], {x, 4}] + loadFunction[x] == 0;
(*Solve the beam equation using NDSolve with FEM*)
solution =
NDSolveValue[{beamPDE, boundaryConditions}, w, {x, 0, Ls},
Method -> {"FiniteElement"}];
(*Plot the deflection diagram*)
Plot[solution[x], {x, 0, Ls}, PlotLabel -> "Deflection Diagram",
AxesLabel -> {"x (m)", "w(x) (m)"}]
(*Calculate shear force V(x)=-EI*d^3w/dx^3*)
shearForce = -Es*Is*D[solution[x], {x, 3}];
(*Plot the shear force diagram*)
Plot[shearForce, {x, 0, Ls}, PlotLabel -> "Shear Force Diagram",
AxesLabel -> {"x (m)", "V(x) (N)"}]
(*Calculate bending moment M(x)=-EI*d^2w/dx^2*)
bendingMoment = -Es*Is*D[solution[x], {x, 2}];
(*Plot the bending moment diagram*)
Plot[bendingMoment, {x, 0, Ls}, PlotLabel -> "Bending Moment Diagram",
AxesLabel -> {"x (m)", "M(x) (N*m)"}]
solution = NDSolveValue[{beamPDE, boundaryConditions}, w, {x, 0, Ls}]
and then the plots work fine. $\endgroup$beamDomain = ToElementMesh [ImplicitRegion[0 <= x <= Ls, x]]
. You need to change your pde-system too, FEM only solves second order pde's in Mathematica $\endgroup$