There are 5 roots v=x+Iy
which could be defined as follows
c1 = 4631.0; c2 = 2280.1; d = 8066.8; e = 0.0168; t1 = 0.1; t2 = 0.1; k = 1;
f = (1 + (c2^2/c1^2) v^2) (1 +
k t1 c2 v + (c2 d/k) v (1 +
k t2 c2 v + (1/2) k^2 t2^2 c2^2 v^2)) + (e c2 d/k) v (1 +
k t2 c2 v + (1/2) k^2 t2^2 c2^2 v^2) /. v -> x + I y;
r1 = FindRoot[{Re[f] == 0, Im[f] == 0}, {x, .1}, {y, .1}]
{x -> -5.34699*10^-8, y -> 4.12598*10^-26}
r2 = FindRoot[{Re[f] == 0, Im[f] == 0}, {x, -.1}, {y, -.1}]
{x -> -0.00438575, y -> -0.0043858}
r3 = FindRoot[{Re[f] == 0, Im[f] == 0}, {x, -.1}, {y, .1}]
{x -> -0.00438575, y -> 0.0043858}
r4 =
FindRoot[{Re[f] == 0, Im[f] == 0}, {x, 1/10}, {y, -3},
AccuracyGoal -> 4]
{x -> -4.12454*10^-15, y -> -2.04804}
r5 =
FindRoot[{Re[f] == 0, Im[f] == 0}, {x, 1/10}, {y, 3},
AccuracyGoal -> 4]
{x -> -4.12437*10^-15, y -> 2.04804}
Show[ContourPlot[{Re[f] == 0, Im[f] == 0}, {x, -1/50,
1/50}, {y, -1/50, 1/50}],
Graphics[{{Red, PointSize[.015], Point[{x, y}] /. r1}, {Red,
PointSize[.015], Point[{x, y}] /. r2}, {Red, PointSize[.015],
Point[{x, y}] /. r3}}]]
Show[ContourPlot[{Re[f] == 0, Im[f] == 0}, {x, -5, 5}, {y, -5, 5}],
Graphics[{{Red, PointSize[.015], Point[{x, y}] /. r4}, {Red,
PointSize[.015], Point[{x, y}] /. r5}}]]
If v
depends on t1, t2
then see answer @Bob Hanlon.
. So will havetheFuntion=expression here
. Then finally useNSolve
as intheRoots=v/.NSolve[theFunction==0,v]
to obtain the roots. Don't know what you mean abut contour plot of the complex roots though. $\endgroup$k=1
? $\endgroup$