Hi guys I have the following function
$R_t = \exp(-2 k_x^2 \sin^2(\frac{t}{2})) k_x^2 \theta(t) \bigg[ -\sin(2t) - \sin(t) (1 - k_x^2 \sin^2(t)) \bigg]$
and I want to find the maximum value of it.
I tried the following method in Mathematica.
R = k^2 HeavisideTheta[t] Exp[ -2 k^2 Sin[(t)/2]^2 ](-Sin[2t] - Sin[t](1-k^2 Sin[t]^2));
criticalPoints = Solve[D[R,t] == 0 && 0 <= t <= 2 Pi, t];
maxValue = MaxValue[R, t] /. criticalPoints;
However, it seems it does not work with Solve
. I tried Findinstance
and Reduce
which are even more confusing.
I appreciate it if you could help me.
? $\endgroup$