I have the following periodic function, as a function of K and t. I need to know what is the maximum of each recurrence as accurate as possible for k={10,20,40,60,80}
The equation is as follows,
$pixx = \exp(-2 k_x^2 \sin^2(\frac{t}{2})) k_x^2 \bigg[ -\sin(2t) - \sin(t) (1 - k_x^2 \sin^2(t)) \bigg]$
I plotted the function
i2k[i_] = 1/2 (i - 1)
Plot[pixx/.k->-i2k[19]/.t->t - 200 0.01//Evaluate, {t, 0, 2000 0.01}, PlotRange->All,PlotStyle->Red]
The plot of the function is
I tried to calculate the derivation of the function with respect to t and solve the equation, but it quickly became complicated.
I appreciate it if you could help me.