Consider the plot
The X-axis presents a log-scale, left-extended from Zero and right-extended to Infinity, with focus on the interval {2,50}
. It conveys the information that the functions are 0 at the origin and tend asymptotically to 1.
Q: Is there a way to change the "focused interval" from {2,50}
to something else, like {.001,5}
I would like to draw a plot with logarithmic scale on the X-axis, and linear scale on the Y-axis; the X-axis going to Infinity, while focusing on a specific interval.
Consulting the documentation of Plot/Options/ScalingFunctions, I found out that ScalingFunctions->{"OptA","OptB"}
would apply "OptA"
scaling to the X-axis and "OptB"
to the Y-axis.
Consulting the documentation of ScalingFunctions/Details, I figured the option
, to
show asymptotic behavior by compressing infinite ranges into finite ranges
by setting an
infinite scale focused on interval
was what I was looking for my X-axis.
I tried
Plot[{F[.25, 0, t], F[.25, .1, t], F[.25, .2, t]}, {t,0, Infinity},
ScalingFunctions -> {{"Infinite", {.001, 50}}, None},
PlotRange -> {0, 1.5}, PlotLegends -> Placed[{"a=0", "a=0.1", "a=0.2"}, {.9, .3}]]
which yielded the output shown in the above image.
lam[pi2_] := 1/(2 pi2 - 1);
gama[pi2_, a_, t_] := 1 - Exp[lam[pi2]*t] + 2 lam[pi2]^2*t*(pi2 - a)*Exp[lam[pi2]*t];
F[pi2_, a_, t_] := pi2 (1 - pi2)/(pi2 - Exp[lam[pi2]*t] (pi2 - a))/
(1 - pi2 + Exp[lam[pi2]*t] (pi2 - a))*gama[pi2, a, t]^2
(mismatched parentheses/brackets). Edit your question to correct this. $\endgroup$