A single point covers at most 28 points. So $\frac{1000}{28}\approx35.7<n$.
Now here's some code that selects random points from the remaining ones until it covers all 1000:
NestWhile[{Append[#, #3],
DeleteCases[#2,Alternatives @@ Table[ReplacePart[#3, i -> _], {i, 3}]]} & @@
Append[#, RandomChoice@#[[2]]] &, {{},
Flatten[Outer[List, #, #, #] &@Range[0, 9], 2]},Length@#[[2]] > 0 &][[1]]
I ran that a few times and found a list of 78 points:
So we can say for sure that $36\leq n\leq78$.
I ran the code for smaller grids. The pattern seems to be you can cover a $\{0\ldots m\}^3$ grid with just under $m^2$ points, like 1 or 2 or 3 fewer.
Those are coverings of $\{0,1\}^3$, $\{0,1,2\}^3$,..., $\{0,...8\}^3$. They have 2,5,8,15,25,35,47,62 points respectively. Here's the code to make them, so you can check for yourself.
This pattern supports the idea that a GLB for $n$ is something like 76.