
Suppose that there are 2000 stones in a row.
You should grind 1000 of them to make beads.
The time loads(making beads) for each stone are similar.
But which 1000 stones?

case1) the first 1000 stones.

case2) Let B = RandomSample[Range[2000], 1000].
Then, all b-th stones, where b denotes element of B.

If this is a problem of real world, then case1) is faster then case2), because
for case2),

  1. You have to read the B every time after grinding a stone.
  2. If the next stone to be processed is far away, it will take a long time to go there.
  3. B is even not sorted by size.

But, if it was a problem of mathematica,

2000 stones in a row = a list of 2000 elements
grinding a stone = applying function to an element

The time loads for case1) and time loads for case2) should be similar in my opinion.

I experienced that "just because some elements of a list are positionally close, there is no particular advantage to processing(=applying function) them at once(or consecutively)"

Also I believe that "there is a fast mathematica code for case2) always, that takes silmilar time compared to case1)"

Am I thinking correctly?

If so, can you make a fast code for the following problem ?

For L, square(=apply #^2&) each b-th element of L.(leave other element unchanged)

L = Range[40000, 59999];
B = RandomSample[Range[20000], 10000];

My first trial was

MapAt[#^2&, L, {#}&/@B] //Timing

which is never successful.

After some other trials, I realized that MapAt is very slow, in all cases.
The performance was so bad that I felt MapAt should not be used in any case.

Finally I succeeded to shortening the time(using ReplacePart) but it is not neat and I don't think my code is as fast as professional programmer's one.

What skill do you use, when applying a function for a part of list? (faster!)

Can you help me?

  • 4
    $\begingroup$ Much faster: cres = lx; cres[[bx]] = lx[[bx]]*lx[[bx]]. $\endgroup$
    – Alan
    Commented Mar 5, 2022 at 18:55

4 Answers 4


I am sure this is not the fastest solution but it is 25 times faster.

lx = Range[40000, 59999];
bx = RandomSample[Range[20000], 10000];
ares = MapAt[#^2 &, lx, {#} & /@ bx] // Timing
bres = SubsetMap[#^2 &, lx, {#} & /@ bx] // Timing

ares[[2]] == bres[[2]]
{First@ares, First@bres}
{1.17001, 0.0468003}
  • $\begingroup$ Wow! SubsetMap is a new feature in V12! Thank you! $\endgroup$
    – imida k
    Commented Mar 5, 2022 at 17:48
  • $\begingroup$ For this particular variation of the SubsetMap syntax, you are executing a MapAt at the subset of the positions that you have chosen somehow, so there is no mental gymnastics involved. $\endgroup$
    – Syed
    Commented Mar 5, 2022 at 17:51
  • $\begingroup$ May I ask what if you were in mathematica V11 ? $\endgroup$
    – imida k
    Commented Mar 5, 2022 at 17:59
  • $\begingroup$ Please edit this requirement in to your post. I don't have M11 so I cannot say for sure, but if I find another way I will update the answer. $\endgroup$
    – Syed
    Commented Mar 5, 2022 at 18:17

Here are a couple more to add to Syed's & Alan's. The compiled version is much faster, if everything stays machine-size. If you're doing this repeatedly, you could compile ahead of time (to C even). You have to recompile if you change the function from #^2; and if the function to be applied is not compilable, then it obviously won't work well.

lx = Range[40000, 59999];
bx = RandomSample[Range[20000], 10000];
ares = MapAt[#^2 &, lx, {#} & /@ bx]; // AbsoluteTiming
bres = SubsetMap[#^2 &, lx, {#} & /@ bx]; // AbsoluteTiming
(cres = lx; Do[cres[[k]] = cres[[k]]^2, {k, bx}]); // AbsoluteTiming
dres = Compile[{{lx, _Integer, 1}, {bx, _Integer, 1}},
     Block[{dres = lx},
      Do[dres[[k]] = dres[[k]]^2, {k, bx}];
     ][lx, bx]; // AbsoluteTiming
(eres = lx; eres[[bx]] = eres[[bx]]^2); // AbsoluteTiming

ares == bres == cres == dres == eres
  {0.633558, Null}
  {0.013454, Null}
  {0.006371, Null}
  {0.000657, Null}
  {0.000221, Null}  <-- Alan's is fastest
  • $\begingroup$ Note @Alan's depends on B or bx not having duplicate indices, which it doesn't in the problem given in the OP. $\endgroup$
    – Michael E2
    Commented Mar 5, 2022 at 19:34
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ FunctionCompile beats them all, but there is an initial long compilation delay. I have posted the code as an extension of this answer. $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 6, 2022 at 4:55

I just extended @Michael-E2 answer by including FunctionCompile:

lx = Range[40000, 59999];
bx = RandomSample[Range[20000], 10000];
ares = MapAt[#^2 &, lx, {#} & /@ bx]; // AbsoluteTiming
bres = SubsetMap[#^2 &, lx, {#} & /@ bx]; // AbsoluteTiming
(cres = lx; Do[cres[[k]] = cres[[k]]^2, {k, bx}]); // AbsoluteTiming
dres = Compile[{{lx, _Integer, 1}, {bx, _Integer, 1}}, 
     Block[{dres = lx}, Do[dres[[k]] = dres[[k]]^2, {k, bx}];
      dres]][lx, bx]; // AbsoluteTiming
(eres = lx; eres[[bx]] = eres[[bx]]^2); // AbsoluteTiming
ffun = FunctionCompile[
    {Typed[lx, TypeSpecifier["PackedArray"]["MachineInteger", 1]], 
     Typed[bx, TypeSpecifier["PackedArray"]["MachineInteger", 1]]}, 
    Block[{fres = lx}, Do[fres[[k]] = fres[[k]]^2, {k, bx}]; fres]]];
fres = ffun[lx, bx]; // AbsoluteTiming

ares == bres == cres == dres == eres == fres

  • $\begingroup$ +1 because updating fres is so fast. Nice. I wonder how much the compile time should be counted. (The compile time is included in dres, but it's fairly negligible.) $\endgroup$
    – Michael E2
    Commented Mar 6, 2022 at 5:30

Another approach that is supported by the previous versions (11.3 at least) is to create a list of functions which are either (Identity which doesn't touch the data or fn which apply your function) and then MapThread this list with Construct:


(* create a list of Identity function *)
temp = ConstantArray[Identity, Length[L]];

(* replace the positions with your function *)
temp[[B]] = #^2 &;

(* apply your list of function to your data (element-wise) *)
result = MapThread[Construct, {temp, L}];

] // MaxMemoryUsed // AbsoluteTiming

(* Out: {0.0161858, 800568} *)


result == SubsetMap[#^2 &, L, {#} & /@ B]
(* Out: True *)

Another benefit is the memory footprint (could vary):

MapAt[#^2 &, L, {#} & /@ B]; // MaxMemoryUsed // AbsoluteTiming
(* Out: {1.2336, 1912832} *)

(* @Syed answer *)
SubsetMap[#^2 &, L, {#} & /@ B]; // MaxMemoryUsed // AbsoluteTiming
(* Out: {0.0305638, 6541432} *)

which is around 2 and 8 times smaller respectively.


  • Minimum version 11.3 is because of Construct, if you happen to have an alternative, the minimum requirement would be lowered (although performance would be affected).
  • This method could easily be extended to apply multiple functions.

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