This was also reported to WRI. [CASE:4903465]
I'd like to know why these integrals no longer evaluate in V 13 and timeout after 3 minutes while using the same PC and OS they all evaluate quickly in time using V 12.3.
Is there is a workaround in V 13?
This is on windows 10. 64 GB RAM. These integrals come from Rubi's input test files.
The timeout is there to prevent the script from hanging forever.
Is this a bug in integrate?
I also include at bottom a link to the notebook in V 13 and V 12.3 with the code and output to download.
timeOut = 3*60;
TimeConstrained[Integrate[Cot[e + f*x]^2*(a + a*Sin[e + f*x])^(1/3), x], timeOut]
TimeConstrained[Integrate[Cot[e + f*x]^4*(a + a*Sin[e + f*x])^(1/3), x], timeOut]
TimeConstrained[Integrate[Csc[c + d*x]^2*(a + a*Sin[c + d*x])^(2/3), x], timeOut]
TimeConstrained[Integrate[Csc[c + d*x]*(a + a*Sin[c + d*x])^(4/3), x], timeOut]
TimeConstrained[Integrate[Csc[c + d*x]^2*(a + a*Sin[c + d*x])^(4/3), x], timeOut]
TimeConstrained[Integrate[Csc[c + d*x]^2/(a + a*Sin[c + d*x])^(1/3), x], timeOut]
TimeConstrained[Integrate[Csc[c + d*x]^2/(a + a*Sin[c + d*x])^(4/3), x], timeOut]
TimeConstrained[Integrate[(d*Sin[e + f*x])^(5/2)/((g*Cos[e + f*x])^(3/2)*(a + b*Sin[e + f*x])), x], timeOut]
TimeConstrained[Integrate[1/((d*Sec[e + f*x])^(5/3)*(a + b*Tan[e + f*x])),x], timeOut]
TimeConstrained[Integrate[1/((d*Sec[e + f*x])^(1/3)*(a + b*Tan[e + f*x])^2),x], timeOut]
TimeConstrained[Integrate[Tan[c + d*x]^(2/3)/Sqrt[a + b*Tan[c + d*x]], x], timeOut]
TimeConstrained[Integrate[1/(Tan[c + d*x]^(4/3)*Sqrt[a + b*Tan[c + d*x]]),x], timeOut]
TimeConstrained[Integrate[(a + a*Sec[c + d*x])^2/Sqrt[e*Sin[c + d*x]], x], timeOut]
TimeConstrained[Integrate[(a + a*Sec[c + d*x])^n*Tan[c + d*x]^(3/2), x], timeOut]
Screen shot
Link to the notebooks is here