qmax[Dia_, Wt_, leff_, Rs_, Ks_, theta_, phi_, T_] := ((((((999.8995 + (16.9451*T) - ((7.987040*10^-3)*
T^2) - ((46.170461*10^-6)*T^3) + ((105.56302*10^-9)*
T^4) - ((280.54253*10^-12)*
T^5))/(1 + (16.897850*10^-3)*T))*
Wt*10^-6))/(((0.02939*Exp[507.88/((T + 273) - 149.3)])/
57.2958]*((1 -
0.625*((647.15 - (T + 273))/
647.15))*(235.8*10^-3)*(((647.15 - (T + 273))/
Rs) - ((999.8995 + (16.9451*T) - ((7.987040*10^-3)*
T^2) - ((46.170461*10^-6)*T^3) + ((105.56302*10^-9)*
T^4) - ((280.54253*10^-12)*T^5))/(1 + (16.897850*10^-3)*
Sin[phi/57.2958]))*(2.5*10^6 - (2.386*10^3)*((T + 273) - 273))) effl[Lp_, Lc_, Le_] := ((((Lc + Le)/2) + (Lp - Le - Lc))) Manipulate["Effective Length of Heat Pipe (mm):" <>
ToString@Style[effl[Lp, Lc, Le], 14]Plot[ qmax[Dia, Wt, Leff, Rs, Ks, theta, phi, T], {Leff, 0, 0.5},
FrameTicks -> {Automatic, {{#, 1000 #} & /@
FindDivisions[{0, 1}, 10] // N, Automatic}},
PlotLabel ->
Style["Maximum Heat Transfer Vs Effective Length",
FontSize -> 10, Bold, Black, 12],
PlotRange -> {0, 250},
PlotStyle -> {Thickness[0.01], Lighter[ Blue, 0.5]},
GridLines -> Automatic,
Frame -> True,
FrameStyle -> Directive[Black, 12],
FrameLabel -> {Row[{Style["Effective Length of HP (mm)", Italic,
Bold, 11]}],
Row[{Style["Maximum Heat Transfer (W)", Italic, Bold, 11]}]},
PerformanceGoal -> "Quality",
ImageSize -> 400,
Background -> LightGreen,
GridLinesStyle -> {Directive[Dashed, Blue],
Directive[Dashed, Red]}],Delimiter,Style["Dimensions of heat pipe", Italic, Bold, Blue, 13],{{Lp, 300, "Length of HP (mm) : "}, ControlType -> InputField,FieldSize -> 3}, {{Le, 150, "Length of Evaporator Section (mm) : "},ControlType -> InputField, FieldSize -> 3},{{Lc, 150, "Length of Condenser Section (mm) : "},ControlType -> InputField, FieldSize -> 3},{{Dia, 10 , "Tube Inner Diameter (mm) :"}, ControlType -> InputField,FieldSize -> 3},Delimiter,Style["Operating Temperature", Italic, Bold, Blue, 13],{{T, 100, "T (\[Degree]C): "}, ControlType -> InputField,FieldSize -> 3},Delimiter,Style["Wick Thickness", Italic, Bold, Blue, 13],{{Wt, 0.18, "Wt (mm) : "}, ControlType -> InputField, FieldSize -> 3},Delimiter,Style["Radius of the pore", Italic, Bold, Blue, 13],{{Rs, 0.02, "Rs (mm) : "}, ControlType -> InputField, FieldSize -> 3},Delimiter,Style["Permeability of Wick", Italic, Bold, Blue, 13],{{Ks, 0.302*10^-10, "Ks (m^2) : "}, ControlType -> InputField,FieldSize -> 6},Delimiter,Style["Weting angle", Italic, Bold, Blue, 13],{{theta, 0, "Angle in Degrees : "}, ControlType -> InputField,FieldSize -> 3},Delimiter,Style["Inclination angle", Italic, Bold, Blue, 13],{{phi, 30, "Angle in Degrees : "}, ControlType -> InputField, FieldSize -> 3},Delimiter,Item[Button["Display Graph", Nothing, BaseStyle -> {14},Background -> Lighter[Gray, 0.5]]],LabelStyle -> {15},ContentSize -> 850,TrackedSymbols :> All,ControlPlacement -> Left,Frame -> True]
I am trying to build a dashboard for my group so that they can use that effectively for their analysis. But I want to do one change which I am not able to do. I need your help folks. I am displaying the value of "Effective Length of Heat Pipe (mm)" above the plot but I want to place it below the "Display Graph" button.
How I can move that string below the left-hand side. I don't want o display it above the plot. Please help me with this small change in my code.
Thanks in advance.