Rth[tmax_, tin_, qmax_] := N[(tmax - tin)/qmax];Phex[qmax_, m_, tamb_] := N[qmax/(((qmax/(m*0.063*4184)) - tamb) - tamb)]Manipulate[StringJoin["CP Thermal Resistance:", "HEX Performance:" ToString[Style[Rth[tmax, tin, qmax], 14]]],StringJoin["HEX Performance:",ToString[Style[Phex[qmax, m, tamb], 14]]],Delimiter,Text[Style["Performance Calculator", 20, Background -> LightBlue,FontWeight -> Bold]],Delimiter,{{tmax, 100, "Max Cold-Plate Temperature (\[Degree]C): "},ControlType -> InputField, FieldSize -> 7},{{qmax, 1000, "Heat Load (W): "}, ControlType -> InputField,FieldSize -> 7},{{tin, 30, "Cold-Plate Inlet Temperature (\[Degree]C): "},ControlType -> InputField, FieldSize -> 7},
{{m, 0.5, "Flow Rate (GPM): "}, ControlType -> InputField,FieldSize -> 7},{{tamb, 25, "Ambient air Temperature (\[Degree]C): "},ControlType -> InputField, FieldSize -> 7},Delimiter, Item[Button["Calculate", Nothing, BaseStyle -> {15}],Background -> Blue], LabelStyle -> {16},ContentSize -> 300,TrackedSymbols :> All]
I want display the value of Rth & Phex as an output. but i dont know what mistake i am doing here.