I have a set of data that I analyze using a probit model. However, because of the way that the data are produced, the effect of two variables should be equal. Say, it is a room tilting down from the southheast corner and the x- and y- coordinates of the points in the room should have the same result along the 45 degree northeast sloping lines. How can I make the probit do its analysis under the constraint that the coefficient of the x and y coordinates must be equal?
For example:
data = {
{0, .9, .1},
{1, .05, .85},
{0, .7, .7},
{1, .3, .3},
{0, .7, .2},
{1, .15, .72}};
pr = ProbitModelFit[data, {x, y}, {x, y}];
... Estimate ... P-Value
x -2.8 ...
y -6.16 ...
The result of the above is different estimated coefficients for x and y, -2.8 and -6.16. I want those two coefficients to be equal. But I want the variables to be different so that they can have different p-values.