I don't think you'll be able to use FindPath
to directly generate and not take the paths. For example, how will FindPath
know that {3,4,2}
doesn't contain reqEdges
until after it finds {3,4,2}
in the first place?
One thing you could do is used FindPath
to go from the starting node to each node in the subgraph made by reqEdges
. Then use something like FindEularianCycle
to hit every required edge, then use FindPath
again from the exit of the reqEdges
subgraph to the destination node.
So, your algorithm might look like:
- Find all
from startNode
to each vertex in the subgraph of reqEdges
- Find all paths in the
subgraph that hit all edges from the entryVertex
. This will give a list of exitVertices
- Use
to find all outPaths
from each exitVertex
in exitVertices
to endNode
- Join correctly the
, subgraph paths, and outPaths
You say in a comment
A path cannot go through the same vertex multiple times, nor can it traverse the same edge multiple times
Restricting the path to crossing an edge only once can present some problems depending on the structure of the graph and on the required edges. For example, in the following it's not possible to go from 4
to 5
and hit all the red edges only once.
However, if that's ok, or if you can find a good way to traverse each edges of the required edges subgraph, then... If you have say the following graph and want to go from 3
to 7
through the red edge:
verts = Range@9;
vertsPart = Partition[verts, 3];
horiCon =
Flatten[UndirectedEdge @@@ Partition[#, 2, 1, 1] & /@ vertsPart];
vertiCon =
Flatten[UndirectedEdge @@@ Partition[#, 2, 1] & /@
reqEdges = {{1 \[UndirectedEdge] 2}};
vertCoords = (First@Position[Reverse /@ Transpose[vertsPart], #] & /@
(*Generating the graph and highlighting the required edge:*)
g = Graph[verts, Join[horiCon, vertiCon],
GraphLayout -> "GravityEmbedding", VertexCoordinates -> vertCoords,
VertexLabels -> Automatic];
Style[PathGraph[#], Directive[Darker@Red, Thickness[.015]]] & /@
reqEdges, Background -> White]
Pick where to start and where to end, and what the required vertices are
startNode = 7
endNode = 3
reqVerts = Flatten[VertexList[#] & /@ reqEdges]
Make a subgraph of the required edges
h = Subgraph[g, reqVerts]
Remove required edges from inPath search so it won't find paths that use these edges
(* Limited to 5 paths for here *)
gg = EdgeDelete[g, EdgeList[h]]
inPaths = FindPath[gg, startNode, #, Infinity, 5] & /@ reqVerts
Table[HighlightGraph[gg, PathGraph[#]] & /@ inPaths[[i, All]], {i, 1,
This gives a list of lists paths to each required vertex. I.e. inPaths[[1]]
is a list of all the paths from startNode
to the first required vertex.
Find the PostmanTour Cycle for each in node (or use some other method to traverse the required edges)
pt = FindPostmanTour[h, 1]
perms = Permutations[Range@Length[pt[[1]]]]
Can use the permutations to cycle the tour depending on which reqVertices
is the end of the current inPaths
For each list in inPaths (i.e. in node) get the outPaths
outPaths = FindPath[gg, #, endNode, Infinity, 5] & /@ reqVerts
(* Join these for all the paths from start to end that enter the required edges subgraph at the first required vertex *)
inPaths[[1, All]]
outPaths[[1, All]]
All of that assumes that the path structure goes to the required edges, around the required edges, and then from the required edges to the end vertex. It has the potential for paths repeating edges during the postman tour, and also that an inPath
and outPath
path might overlap. You could remove the inPath
edges from the outPath
graph search. All of this removing edges and subgraph stuff might not scale very well or be any faster than doing what your original question is trying to avoid (take). I think things would be easier if you wanted the shortest path instead of all paths.
If for example you had
the following path from 9 to 5 traverses each required edge only once but enters and leaves the required edge subgraph.
{9, 10, 11, 12, 8, 7, 11, 15, 14, 13, 9, 5}
{9 \[UndirectedEdge] 10, 10 \[UndirectedEdge] 11,
11 \[UndirectedEdge] 12, 12 \[UndirectedEdge] 8,
8 \[UndirectedEdge] 7, 7 \[UndirectedEdge] 11,
11 \[UndirectedEdge] 15, 15 \[UndirectedEdge] 14,
14 \[UndirectedEdge] 13, 13 \[UndirectedEdge] 9,
9 \[UndirectedEdge] 5}
It looks like what you're trying to do is pretty hard without maybe more defined structure on what the required edges are, and how the paths can cross them.
is too expensive? $\endgroup$