
I am trying to solve for the constant of integration in simple calculus problems.

v[t_] := Integrate[-0.08 t, t] + C

gives me

C - 0.04 t^2

Which is good, but then when I try

Solve[v[0] == 8]

It gives me an error because Im trying to integrate with respect to zero, because my function changes that.

I assume there is something really simple that I'm missing on how to make this work.

  • $\begingroup$ the problem is when you do v[0] then inside the function t=0 and you can't integrate with respect to zero. Another option is to write Solve[(v[t] /. t -> 0) == 8] if you want to keep the delay assignment. And it is a good idea to add the variables you are solving for, so it is explicit. $\endgroup$
    – Nasser
    Commented Jul 3, 2021 at 5:09

1 Answer 1


Use an immediate assignment to define v:

v[t_] = Integrate[-0.08 t, t] + c
(*    c - 0.04 t^2    *)

Solve[v[0] == 8]
(*    {{c -> 8.}}    *)

Here's a tutorial on the distinction between immediate and delayed assignments.

Alternatively, use a definite integral:

t0 = 0;
v0 = 8;
v[t_] = v0 + Integrate[-0.08 s, {s, t0, t}]
(*    8 - 0.04 t^2    *)

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